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No Church in the Wild

...  point of physical threat; it could also be that they p ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年11月30日


... 合系統(Cyber-Physical System;CPS),使該產業極具打造元宇宙的先天優勢與動機。 至於在 ...全文


No church in the wild

...  point of physical threat; it could also be that they pose engender egregious psychological distress amongst those ill-equipped to tackle wildlife. There have indeed been reports – albeit anecdotal an ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-29


... e or make physical contact. A child cries, we comfort them in our arms. This is a natural and necessary human reaction which quarantining denies. You cannot do this on Zoom. Life as we know it and nee ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-26

Europe: In preparation for a colder winter

... rtages of physical capital and labour. In the medium term, this makes us confident that investment spending will speed up, prolonging the business cycle. Clearly, a recession would be highly unusual i ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-24

Retailers look to 'tech the halls' this season to draw shoppers

... rt of the physical store experience. With the holiday season upon us, retailers are excited about how they can leverage their cloud platforms to engage shoppers with more immersive digital experiences ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-17

Planning the route to net zero

...  Trucost, physical assets owned by the utilities, materials, energy, consumer staples, and health-care sectors will face the greatest climate-related risks in 2050, with 66% of the market cap of the S ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-12


... tal)而非實體化(physical),對人類社會而言不一定是好事。 人工智能(AI)是元宇宙發展的關鍵技術, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年11月03日


... ces)和肢體接觸(Physical Touch)。一句簡單的讚美、二人共處的時間、一份小禮物、為對方打掃房間 ...全文


Taming the stagflationary winds

... tments in physical and human infrastructure. Meanwhile, national and international financial authorities would coordinate better to strengthen prudential regulation, especially as it pertains to exces ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-24

Norway’s sovereign duty

... country’s physical borders. Emissions resulting from countries’ foreign asset holdings are not counted in the domestic inventory. Thus, while governments have scrutinized their economies for emissions ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-23

Reddit帖文掀炒風 鈾礦股狂飆

... TF─Sprott Physical Uranium Trust,自8月中以來買入了2400萬磅鈾,包括上周單 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年09月15日

Why America must go big on infrastructure

... aditional physical infrastructure, where much of the need is for long-overdue maintenance, committing about $550 billion for investment in items like roads and bridges, water infrastructure, and broad ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-10

What difference did 9/11 make?

... immediate physical damage was far from fatal to American power. It is estimated that the United States’ GDP growth dropped by three percentage points in 2001, and insurance claims for damages eventual ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-08

「墮」入黑洞 不見天日

... 論文,見於今年7月的Physical Review Letters。 註2:重力,即gravity。一譯「地心 ...全文


Treating stroke with the latest technologies

... sion. The physical deterioration caused by stroke can be very serious. In addition to damaging the brain, causing weakness or numbness in the face, hands or legs, symptoms such as speech, swallowing, ...More

EJ Insight2021-09-06


... alance of Physical Power in the World,但西方眼中,中國仍是200年前的大 ...全文


Game on for green growth

... human and physical capital – through education and training, and investment in plant, equipment, and infrastructure – as good, because they expanded the economy. Combining these factors in more effici ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-30


... 叫sports,而稱physical education。1861年,約翰哈利為利物浦體育會寫座右銘時,便提出 ...全文


5 tips for better work-life harmony while working remotely

...  the same physical space. With the impacts becoming more “visible,” it’s important for employers to support their employees to take the lead, if practicable, about managing an individual’s work life a ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-27

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