挪威首相索爾伯格(Erna Solberg)周二被拍攝到在國會辯論時,玩熱門手機遊戲Pokémon GO。她是 ...全文
... 些較創新的做法會是玩Pokémon GO、運動會,又或者燒烤會。 這些工作有其重要性,畢竟它們可便利居民、開啟 ...全文
... 日本任天堂的人氣手遊Pokémon GO就因引入擴增實境(Augmented Reality,簡稱AR)掀起熱 ...全文
... 突破後靠穩有報道指《Pokémon GO》已連續74日在蘋果美國應用商店(App Store)位於熱門iPho ...全文
... Run比席捲全球的Pokémon GO更受歡迎,昨天推動任天堂股價飆升13%,創7月尾以來新高,市值單日增加 ...全文
... h智能手錶亦可玩大熱Pokémon GO手遊,任天堂的美國預託證券(ADR)當天應聲急升29%。 須知道每宗下 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年09月09日
... bile game Pokémon Go, the Journal said. The product is expected to come out in time for the holidays. Apple's second-generation smartwatch, which it called Apple Watch Series 2, functions essentially ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-08
A 31-year-old pregnant woman in Taiwan has been diagnosed with temporary blindness, which her doctor blamed on her spending too much time on Pokémon GO. New Taipei City Hospital ophthalmologist Chen Y ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-29
Inspired by the success of Pokémon GO, a Belgian primary school headmaster has developed an online game for people to search for books instead of the virtual monsters, attracting tens of thousands of ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-29