
共 1022 個結果
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The case for daytime naps

Insomnia is a growing problem around the world, with hundreds of millions of people suffering from the sleep disorder. The National Sleep Foundation in the US suggests that adults need to sleep seven ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

What Covid-19 means for international cooperation

Throughout history, crisis and human progress have often gone hand in hand. While the growing Covid-19 epidemic could strengthen nationalism and isolationism and accelerate the retreat from globalizat ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Virus outbreak: HK civil society can save itself – and China too

The novel coronavirus outbreak caught Carrie Lam’s administration at a time that plausibly could not have been worse, with fresh wounds left by months of violent civilian-police clashes and unpreceden ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

Covid-19 patient's travel and social activities under scanner

A woman who traveled abroad and subsequently tested positive for the novel coronavirus after her return to Hong Kong was found to have visited multiple places in the city before she was admitted to a ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06


欄友連續兩日寫預算案,正煩惱還有什麼好寫,傳媒朋友忽然傳來一篇題為Downsides to Hong Kong ...全文


A dollar a month rent for a shop, anyone?

Don't you wish you're a landlord?  Once you've got a property to rent out, you won't have to work anymore. You can just laze around all the days of your life while your tenants work themselves to deat ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-05

Govt urged to use tents to meet quarantine needs

Experts have urged the government to put up tents to serve as quarantine centers as part of efforts to contain the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. The problem of finding enough space to meet qu ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-04

SoftBank's Son tells US investors he'll be more careful

SoftBank Group Corp. chief executive Masayoshi Son, under pressure from hedge fund Elliott Management to rein in his mercurial investment style, turned on the charm in a meeting with US investors on M ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

Reinventing the bank branch for the digital age

2019 was a watershed year for Hong Kong’s banking sector, with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority ushering in a new era of virtual banking by granting eight virtual banking licenses. Since then, there h ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-25

More thoughts on decentralized finance

January 2009 marked the birth of Bitcoin as Satoshi mined the genesis block – and the eleven short years that followed are a story of innovation, studded with milestone technical breakthroughs. As we ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-24

How a workspace provider is expanding with a franchising model

SoftBank-backed co-working space giant WeWork last year suffered major setbacks that included a failed initial public offering (IPO) plan and the ouster of a co-founder. The WeWork debacle is seen as ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-18

Togetherness, instead of labeling, will help us fight the virus

Tailor your message to your audience – that is rule number one for any successful marketer. But what if your audience is already overwhelmed by fear of a virus outbreak and angry at the way it is bein ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-18

旭輝113萬租灣仔One Hennessy

經濟前景不明朗,市場對商廈需求大減,企業從核心商業區搬遷到租金較相宜地區的步伐加快。灣仔新落成商廈One He ...全文


Fed's Powell says economy in good place, warns on coronavirus

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told Congress that the US economy is in a good place, even as he cited the potential threat from the coronavirus in China and concerns about the economy’s long-t ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12

Five grey swans that could swing markets - Part 1

Awareness of potentially high-impact but improbable developments should help investors prepare for unexpected changes in market conditions. In our base case, the global economy is poised to improve in ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-11

Queue-it applies ‘queuing psychology’ to help online retailers

(First of a two-part series) The coronavirus outbreak has sparked panic-buying in Hong Kong, with residents snapping up all the surgical masks they could find as well as daily necessities such as rice ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

The key to startup success

Unicorns are rare. American research firm CB Insights tracked more than 1,100 technology startups which raised their first seed funds from 2008 to 2010, and found that less than half could secure a se ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-04

健身集團租華懋One Hennessy

有健身中心逆巿承租大樓面舖位作為旗艦店,成為近期舖位市場淡市的奇葩。健身集團Pure Fitness落實承租華 ...全文


Oldest material on Earth found inside meteorite in Australia

A meteorite that crashed into rural southeastern Australia in a fireball in 1969 contained the oldest material ever found on Earth, stardust that predated the formation of our solar system by billions ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-14

Lesson from the crash of two unicorns

The year 2019 has witnessed, among other things, the fall of two so-called unicorns, or startups valued at over US$1 billion. US-based shared working space provider WeWork, which at one point had comm ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13

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