
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ...150

Luckin prices US IPO at top-end, raises US$561 mln: report

Chinese coffee chain Luckin Coffee priced its US initial public offering at the top end of a marketed range and sold more shares than planned, raising US$561 million, Reuters reports, citing sources f ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-17

An intelligent approach to mental health

A few years ago, toward the end of his life, my father battled severe depression. As a physician and professor, he did not lack access to mental health care. But he had grown up in a society that stig ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-16

美公共退休金赤字巨 難逃撇賬

筆者的收件箱上周收到數篇關於退休金的文章,決定本周以此為話題。筆者早於10年前已撰文指出,美國公共退休金資金不 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年05月16日

How Finland’s education system inspires the DreamStarter project

I was in Sweden recently to share some insights on the DreamStarter project. Inspired by Finland’s education policy, DreamStarter has achieved a lot in Hong Kong. DreamStarter is a community initiativ ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-14


路透引述消息人士稱,日本軟銀(SoftBank)管理的願景基金(Vision Fund)最快周一公布,斥資8億 ...全文


軟銀蝕本貨在手 願景基金難翻兜

日本軟銀集團(Softbank)旗下願景基金(Vision Fund)愈搞愈大,看來創辦人孫正義喜歡遠瞻未來多 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年05月13日

SoftBank Group unveils stock split as tech bets boost profit

Japanese conglomerate SoftBank Group Corp. announced a stock split while keeping the per-share dividend unchanged for the year, effectively doubling its shareholder payout, as it also reported a bette ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-09

Alibaba-backed AI startup Megvii raises US$750 million

Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) provider Megvii, known for its facial recognition brand Face++, has raised US$750 million in a Series E funding round, taking its valuation to slightly over US$4 b ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-09

ABF港債指數(02819) 交易所買賣基金的交易資料




本周一〈股神臨老入花叢〉一文提到,替巴郡拍板掃入Amazon股票的,應是畢非德兩位副手Greg Abel和Aj ...全文


黑客大規模攻擊系統 幣安被偷3.2億元比特幣

中國大型虛擬貨幣交易網「幣安」(Binance)在官網公布,該公司在香港時間8日深夜1時15分,遭到大規模的系 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年05月09日

US begins return of US$200 million in 1MDB funds to Malaysia

The US government has begun returning to Malaysia some US$200 million recovered from asset seizures linked to state fund 1MDB, with about a quarter of the amount already repatriated, the two countries ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-07

環球貨幣政策多變動 惠理高收益債券基金顯抗逆力

今年初以來,惠理大中華高收益債券基金(Value Partners Greater China High Yi ...全文


Sequoia China to cut up to 20% of investment staff: report

Sequoia Capital China, widely viewed as a bellwether for Chinese tech investment, is set to lay off as much as 20 percent of investment staff as a slowdown in the country’s tech sector saps appetite f ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06

Why Cyberport expansion plan is well justified

A recently published article criticized Cyberport for accepting tenants running “non-digital” businesses such as those engaged in fund investment and furniture retail. While some rented office units i ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06


有報道指,軟銀集團(SoftBank)正考慮將旗下願景基金(Vision Fund)進行IPO,有知情人士稱, ...全文



說起風險投資,相信一般都會想起一些風投大佬例如紅杉、經緯、深創投及Andreessen Horowitz等。其 ...全文



《華爾街日報》周五引述消息報道,軟銀集團正考慮將其1000億美元的願景基金(Vision Fund)分拆上市並 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月04日

How Bangladesh makes careful use of China's BRI money

Bangladesh has made careful use of the money it has received from China, including that under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It is a good example of prudent management and how to avoid a "debt tr ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-02

How Bangladesh makes careful use of China's BRI money

Bangladesh has made careful use of the money it has rec ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2019年05月02日

頁數:1...97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ...150

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