
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 ...150

Elon Musk’s covert war on free speech

In 1897, the American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst sent illustrator Frederic Remington to cover the Cuban War of Independence. When Remington relayed that “there will be no war,” Hearst a ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-14


... d someone to Coventry,意思是孤立某君,不瞅不睬,不聞不問,視之為透明。 為什麼把某君送去 ...全文


美通脹生龍活虎 勿再發夢諗減息

... of taking too little action to bring down inflation lik ...全文


China slowdown poses moderate risks to Asian banks

China's economic slowdown poses risks for banks in Asia-Pacific, even though they mostly do not have large direct exposures to the world's second-largest economy, as certain sectors will suffer declin ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-13


... 搬遷(flight-to-quality)的趨勢持續,或會對質素較低的寫字樓物業構成壓力。美國聯儲局加息對投資 ...全文


Unhappy October

It is important to find something to delight us in October. Thanks God, the autumn finally arrives and hopefully Hong Kong can walk off from the shadow of Singapore in terms of weather in the next few ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

The COP of no return

Some fear that this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference – to be held on November 6-18 – will be an unintended casualty of the geopolitical tensions and economic challenges the world is fac ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

Who should coordinate Ukraine’s reconstruction?

Right-minded governments are providing Ukraine with military hardware and financial infusions, albeit some more generously than others, to enable the Ukrainians to fight back against Russian aggressio ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12


... 同鄉的Ray Burton(文尾另有描述)。我們先看看歌詞:「I am woman, hear me roar ...全文


「QE之父」勇奪諾獎 實至名歸還是諷刺

... is likely to be contained,時至今日仍被拿來當作對次按禍害後知後覺的鐵證。 聯儲局在金 ...全文



根據欄友梁天卓的研究,大名鼎鼎、以All the News That's Fit to Print為口號的《紐 ...全文


新盤放送|西倫敦Wembley Park首推171伙 入場價42萬鎊

...  1的UCL、Euston Square站周邊租盤為例,一房單位月租金2000英鎊至4000英鎊不等,但月租2 ...全文


Climate protection requires more mining, not less

Mining companies are indispensable for achieving the net zero target for CO2 emissions. This requires even more mining than is currently being done. Unfortunately, too little attention is paid to this ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-11

How China is forging its own path to recovery

Against a challenging backdrop, but armed with an ample monetary war chest, China’s macroeconomic policy is likely to continue diverging from other major markets, according to Portfolio Manager Wencha ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-11

The state is taking back energy

Although uncertainty prevails in today’s global energy market, one thing has become clear: Governments are reasserting their central role. The motive is pragmatic rather than ideological, and the deta ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

Taiwan restricts migration of Hong Kong people

At the end of 2020, Paul Leung and his wife invested NT$6 million in a business in Taiwan, to meet the criteria as an investor immigrant. A year later, they applied for permanent residency but were to ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

Policy Address suggestion: Digital transformation of government

For the coming Policy Address, I would like to put forward a few suggestions on smart government, smart people, smart environment and smart economy, aiming at Hong Kong’s smooth transition from chaos ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

What caused the Ukraine War?

Russia’s war in Ukraine is the most disruptive conflict that Europe has seen since 1945. While many in the West see a war of choice by Russian President Vladimir Putin, he says that NATO’s 2008 decisi ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10


... roduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution), ...全文



... s' wrath, to Greece the direful spring/Of woes unnumber ...全文


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