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《華爾街日報》引述消息稱,一個包括日本軟銀在內的財團洽商入股召車軟件商Uber自駕分支已近尾聲,涉及金額是10 ...全文


演算法降噪 藍牙傳輸低延遲

九十後青年文智輝於2016年開發手機應用程式CHEARS,當用戶把耳機接駁智能電話,後者即變成智能助聽器,項目 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年03月14日


自去年底,標普500指數低見2346點後便開始拾級而上,至本月初曾高見2816點,短短兩個多月以來,累積漲幅竟 ...全文


Trump's ‘maximum pressure’ strategy on Iran, N Korea falls short

Donald Trump's hitherto failed 'maximum pressure' approach to Iran, as well as for that matter North Korea, begs the question what the US president’s true objectives are and what options he is left wi ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-12

Octopus needs to review its overall strategy

Hongkongers now have various ways to pay for goods and services – cash, credit card or Octopus card. But when they shop online at Alibaba’s Taobao or Tmall, they prefer to use the Alipay mobile wallet ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-12

Market concentration is threatening the US economy

The world’s advanced economies are suffering from a number of deep-seated problems. In the United States, in particular, inequality is at its highest since 1928, and GDP growth remains woefully tepid ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-12

美微型風投148家 十年高

美國風投基金(VC)最近幾年聚焦在巨額融資上,投放金額數以十億計。雖然規模較小的風投,集資額遠不及大型基金;隨 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年03月12日

進軍新興市場 發掘製造業投資及夥伴合作商機 (中東歐及其他篇)

為了削減生產成本、發展多元化業務,香港製造商致力探索在營商環境優良、勞動力充足的國家投資設廠的機遇。 新興國家 ...全文


SoftBank set to launch fund for early-stage investing

SoftBank Group Corp. has expanded its appetite for early-stage startups with a venture capital unit set to launch its biggest fund for early investments, Reuters reports. The global fund from newly re ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-11

Nvidia nears deal to acquire Mellanox Technologies: report

Chipmaker Nvidia Corp. is nearing a deal to acquire peer Mellanox Technologies Ltd. for more than US$7 billion in cash, Reuters reports, citing a person familiar with the matter. The deal would be Nvi ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-11


脫歐新聞中的meaning vote的普遍理解是,英國國會以文翠珊跟歐盟談判的協議為基礎,在加入近月的修訂後再 ...全文



美國財經網站CNBC報道,日本軟銀集團(SoftBank)創辦人孫正義表示,規模1000億美元的願景基金(Vi ...全文


軟銀設50億美元基金 專攻拉美科技初創

據外電報道,軟銀將成立一隻規模達50億元(美元‧下同)的基金,用於投資拉丁美洲的科技初創公司。 軟銀承諾,將向 ...全文


Finance sector reforms put the squeeze on China's zombie firms

At a time when the Chinese economy is slowing and trade tensions remain with the United States, the rise in corporate bond defaults can be interpreted as a further signal to exercise extreme caution w ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-06

Small investors’ direct access to China’s new tech board limited

Chinese authorities are stepping up preparations for the launch of the new tech board in the second quarter of this year, ahead of the nation’s 70th anniversary celebrations. It appears, however, that ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

Singapore state-owned fund invested in Coinbase: report

Singapore state wealth fund GIC was among the entities that had backed the US$300 million funding round of US cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase last year, according to Bloomberg. Coinbase, one of the l ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05

Modern monetary nonsense

Just as the US Federal Reserve seems to have beaten back blistering tweets from President Donald Trump, the next battle for central bank independence is already unfolding. And this one could potential ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-05


美國財政部長努欽(Steven Mnuchin)當地時間周一,致信眾議院議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi) ...全文


Coffee, cocoa, and the cutting edge

That morning ritual loved by millions, a simple cup of coffee, may one day be a thing of the past. New research shows that 60 percent of the world’s 124 species of wild coffee face a mounting threat o ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-04

Public finance planning, global cooperation need more focus

I intend to utilize this column in the coming weeks to discuss various topics pertaining to the Hong Kong government’s latest budget, adding my perspective on the key issues related to the city. For s ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-01

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