... 例子是所謂共享經濟如Uber、Airbnb等公司的牌照、監管和保險等問題。Uber的確在全球很多地方非常受歡迎 ...全文
... 保障,所有工作都變成Uber那樣的「共享型經濟」產品,目前的工會也好、商會也好,其實都已經不能再回應事實,一切 ...全文
卡蘭尼克據報被5個基金投資者「逼宮」而辭任行政總裁,算是對公司年初以來連串醜聞作出交代。 ...全文
召車軟件Uber(優步)創辦人卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)周二被股東「逼宮」而辭去行政總裁的職務 ...全文
Entrepreneurs in the information technology era usually have strong personalities, which can both help and hurt their careers. Uber co-founder and chief executive Travis Kalanick resigned on Tuesday. ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-23
召車軟件Uber(優步)創辦人兼行政總裁卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)突然宣布辭職,令本已陷入權力 ...全文
召車軟件Uber(優步)過去半年備受多宗醜聞困擾後,終於以Uber創辦人卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanic ...全文
矽谷科網業今年芸芸愚眛無稽之事當中,以迷信由創辦人帶領初創公司最為人推崇備至,也最危險。召車軟件Uber(優步 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年06月22日
... 大享,或是東南亞的新Uber,筆者的看法是互聯網具有地域性、行業性,就算是超級巨企也只能通過收購來獲取增長,因 ...全文
Uber Technologies Inc. chief executive Travis Kalanick, co-founder one of the most influential technology companies of its generation, has resigned under mounting pressure from investors over his lead ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-21
Uber said on Tuesday it will for the first time allow drivers to collect tips through its smartphone app, an about-face from previous company policy, as part of the ride-services firm's broader effort ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-21
召車程式公司Uber是個「證明常規存在的例外」,因為美國矽谷的科技公司普遍都過得很好,只有Uber麻煩不斷,科 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年06月21日
Uber said it welcomes future discussions with the incoming administration, saying the majority of Hong Kong people support an alternative transport service to taxis. This follows a survey by the Chine ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-20