
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 ...150

An expensive and humiliating lesson for ZTE

... efty. In fact, it will be the second payment ZTE has to pay to the US government in two years. The company had already paid US$890 million for breach of sanctions imposed by Washington for selling tel ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-14

CMBS貸款惡化 聞到○七年燶味

... odd-Frank Act)設有條例阻止2008年金融危機重演,惟很多貸款來自私募基金,不受條例監管。 沃瑟曼 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2018年06月14日

周內起伏頻密 六絕月不好過

... odd-Frank Act),着着有助提升銀行盈利水平,美國銀行股自2016年初開展的上升浪可望延續,亦是筆者 ...全文


The lesson and message of Tang's conviction

... ce to any act of contempt of court is simple: if we ever allow any open season on our judiciary, then it is likely to lose its authority in the public mind. If that happens, members of the public migh ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-06

Local solutions for global problems

... tion and factionalism; local politics was messy enough. But today’s urban centers are economically stronger and politically bolder. Twenty-first-century cities’ determination to act in their own inte ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-06

Mainland woman who took photos in court gets 7 days jail

... -breaking act by Tang took place on May 23 when Chan was trying a contempt of court case in connection with the Mong Kok clashes of February 2016. As the mainland woman failed to hand in HK$50,000 bai ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing mired in tax evasion scandal

... ovie contract and a separate 50 million yuan to be paid through other channels. The State Administration of Taxation then pledged to conduct a thorough tax review of the incomes of high-flying actors ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05


... odd-Frank Act)的嚴厲監管,希望可以推動貸款和經濟增長。「伏爾克法規」在金融危機後推出,主要禁止銀 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年06月01日

Woman accused of taking photos in court has judge at wits' end

A woman who was found to have taken photos in a courtroom during a trial last week, sparking a controversy, is now giving the judge a hard time. The law-breaking act by Tang Lin-ling, 35, who is Puton ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-31

政府消息稱涉澳門黑客 否認移交內地

... ng Policy Act Report),顯示美國曾向港府提出移交一名逃犯,惟林鄭月娥去年10月在中央政府指 ...全文



美國國務院近日向國會提交《香港政策法報告》(Hong Kong Policy Act Report),首次披露 ...全文



... odd-Frank Act),法案規定企業必須公開基層員工與行政總裁的薪資差距,原意是禁止高層加薪無上限,差距 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年05月30日

Driving down land prices key to boosting HK competitiveness

... ng other factors. As to both government and business efficiency, Hong Kong has been ranked No.1 in the world for four consecutive years, something which we believe is definitely phenomenal. Unfortunat ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-29


... Exclusion Act立例制止才式微。未有法例明文禁止前,美國鴉片年進口量竟高達150萬磅,足見其受歡迎程 ...全文


Never hit a man when he is down and other rules

...  the sad fact is even ordinary tools like trucks and knives are being used as tools of mass murder. All civilized societies and their armies live by a common code. Treachery is frowned upon. Self-defe ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-28

US reaches deal to keep ZTE in business: report

... ss should act to stop Trump from letting ZTE get back into business. “If the administration goes through with this reported deal, President Trump would be helping make China great again,” Schumer said ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-28


... odd-Frank Act)而制訂的法規,以達致保護金融體系免受衝擊的方法之一。 不過,有銀行業界批評法規過於 ...全文


全球債務「大重置」 債主成大輸家

... odd-Frank Act)大幅削減市場的緩衝能力。況且,聯儲局亦不情願出手援助共享辦公室營運商WeWork等 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2018年05月24日

Can a blockchain smartphone save HTC?

... es to attract buyers.  Of course, the double dual cameras could be a selling point. But other players such as Huawei and Xiaomi are a step ahead as they are incorporating artificial intelligence techn ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-23

美眾議院通過法例 弱化金融改革法

美國眾議院通過兩黨共同支持的法案,紓緩2010年《金融改革法》(Dodd-Frank Act)對中小銀行的規管 ...全文


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