
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 ...150

Syria’s Kurds: The new frontline in confronting Iran and Turkey

US President Donald Trump’s threat to devastate Turkey’s economy if Turkish troops attack Syrian Kurds allied with the United States in the wake of the announced withdrawal of American forces potentia ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-08

「債王」格羅斯退休 默認風光不再

縱橫債市47年的「債王」格羅斯(Bill Gross)【圖】退下火線,本周初宣布3月1日正式退休,離開加入不到 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年02月08日


《華爾街日報》報道,日本軟銀的願景基金(Vision Fund)成立不足2年內,已動用逾半數的資金進行投資。 ...全文


軟銀悉售英偉達 續持阿里股份

日本軟銀集團(SoftBank) 表示,旗下願景基金(Vision Fund)在1月悉售英偉達(Nvidia) ...全文


Australia to overhaul regulators after landmark banking inquiry

Australia’s corporate regulators will be subjected to a new oversight body in a shake-up of the banking sector designed to combat the excessive greed and unethical practices that have engulfed some of ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-04

SoftBank fund in talks to invest US$1.5 bln in Guazi: report

The SoftBank-led Vision Fund is in talks to invest up to US$1.5 billion in Chinese used car trading platform Guazi.com, Reuters reports, citing two people with knowledge of the matter. That would mark ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-04

Is Carrie Lam's honeymoon with the opposition over?

Slowly but surely it seems we are heading back to the bad old days when mutual contempt between then-chief executive Leung Chun-ying and the opposition ran so deep that the two sides wouldn't even ack ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-31

US judge rejects Yahoo data breach settlement

A US judge rejected Yahoo’s proposed settlement with millions of people whose email addresses and other personal information were stolen in the largest data breach in history, faulting the Internet se ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-30

馬斯克唔靠譜 Tesla股東做足對沖

沙地阿拉伯民風保守,官方禁忌多多,吸毒固然嚴禁,頂撞官員更是大忌。美國電動車生產商Tesla創辦人馬斯克(El ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年01月30日


1月29日,周二。老畢曾經說過,自己明明長期飲麥精,但維他奶三隻大字遠在天邊近在眼前,卻一直視而不見,只顧做消 ...全文


Rules eased to encourage switch to electric vehicles

The government has relaxed the criteria for private car owners to participate in a scheme aimed at encouraging them to switch to electric vehicles (EVs). Under the new rules for the "One-for-One Repla ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-29

Alibaba fund invests in financial social network StockViva

Financial social platform StockViva has completed a Series A funding round that saw capital being raised from the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund.  The Alibaba fund invested in the Hong Kong-based startup, ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-29

The euro's first 20 years

  Since its introduction two decades ago, the euro has faced serious challenges. So far, it has survived intact. Yet, on the common currency’s 20th anniversary, it is worth identifying problems that h ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-28

US govt agencies prepare to restart operations

US government agencies that had largely shuttered operations for five weeks during a budget standoff are preparing to resume operations and compensate employees for missed paychecks. It comes after Pr ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-28

拒與馬杜羅對話 瓜伊多:若交權會特赦

委內瑞拉政局持續緊張,總統馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)周五(25日)表示願意與反對派對話,不過被反對 ...全文


創業集團控股(02221) 關連交易 / 持續關連交易

創業集團控股(02221) 終止(1)有關加入CHINA ENVIRONMENT FUND V, L.P. 為 ...全文


Trump delays State of the Union Address until shutdown ends

US President Donald Trump said in a late night Tweet on Wednesday that he would delay a State of the Union address until the government shutdown was over, responding to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s mo ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24

More kindergartens forced to shut as flu death toll rises to 74

More than 300 kindergartens and childcare centers have suspended classes as the death toll from influenza and its complications during the current winter flu season rises. Meanwhile, the government is ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-24

為市民退休生活着想 強積金應仿指數基金

一、 一月十六日,「領航(前衞)指數基金」(Vanguard Index Fund)創辦人博高(格爾,John ...全文


頁數:1...105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 ...150

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