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由如履薄冰到穩步復常 誰說魚與熊掌不可兼得

... 感染人數的「峰值」(peak)壓下來,真正做到「早發現、早隔離、早診治」,善用檢測和追蹤的政策工具,「內防反彈 ...全文


HK Equities: Buyback is the buzzword

...  from its peak of HK$300 two years ago. Yesterday the No.1 mainland e-commerce firm led the pack with an 11 per cent rebound after it further upped the shares repurchase amount to US$25 billion. Share ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-23

兩原因買科技股 布局部署此其時

... 加12次息都有人講,peak rates shock可能已經出現。科技股是否見底或離底不遠,得看通脹數據會否在 ...全文


物極必反要催化劑 市場掉頭炒美減息

... 是「利率震盪見頂」(peak rates shock)的前奏,估值早被殺個七零八落的科技股就非死貓彈那麼簡單。 ...全文


Uber demand nearly back to pre-pandemic level

... uring the peak of the pandemic, Uber’s delivery business thrived as consumers became more dependent on ordering food and groceries online, cushioning the firm against a decline in its ride-hailing bus ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-08

Resilient China

... al growth peaking at 13.5% in October, owing to commodity-market volatility and supply-chain disruptions. But the government’s stabilization policies are already working to counteract this trend, refl ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-25

The case against Fed gradualism

... .25% to a peak of 2.5% in December 2018. But the Fed was not so gradualist on the way down. Starting in August 2019, the Fed headed back toward an effective lower bound of 0.25% with three 25-bps rate ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-23

Boosting fun in countryside with 3D maps

... ar Lantau Peak Section. There is an impressive video featuring these hiking trails, incorporating 3D maps, satellite images, and topographical information to display the hiking routes, topographical c ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-21


... ain與Merit Peak是幣安的市場莊家,作用是維持加密幣價格的穩定。 不過,幣安的文件確認兩間公司與趙長 ...全文


第三方市場合作 中法簽項目清單

... 收購澳洲上市稀土公司Peak Rare Earths Limited的19.9%股權。後者主要經營位於坦桑尼亞 ...全文


加州1月罕現山火 急撤500人

... ,當地Geyser Peak上周六發生山火。強風亦吹倒大樹及電線杆,三藩市灣區至少1.8萬戶斷電。 加州山火通 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年01月24日

E-commerce forges B2B2C alliance with on-demand delivery partner

... uring the peak seasons like Valentine's and Christmas, online florists would have flower orders fluctuate day by day. Working with a traditional delivery company, they would need to commit to paying f ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-17

洛杉磯縣確診破頂 玫瑰花車巡遊照復辦

... 山頂(Sandia Peak)的登山纜車於除夕故障,兩架接載21名工作人員的纜車晚上滯留半空,他們在纜車上驚險 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年01月03日

Hot pot, but not hot pot stocks

... inning to peak out. Apparently Haidilao picked a wrong time to expand when more people chose to eat at home. Last month, the company raised US$300 million via a placement at HK$20.43, but the stock ke ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-22

元朗YOHO Hub 至尊4房擬標售

... 項目Central Peak II(Central Peak發展項目第2期)以約3.86億元售出Bliss L ...全文


Central Peak II洋房逾3.86億成交 創新高

新地(00016)旗下東半山司徒拔道18號超級豪宅項目Central Peak II(Central Peak ...全文


Europe’s two peace missions

...  to reach peak carbon-dioxide emissions by 2030 is incompatible with the need to frontload mitigation. Unless China curbs its emissions sooner, the climate race will be lost. Making matters worse, the ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-01


... 洋房 「77/79 Peak Road」。 仲量聯行大中華研究部主管黃志輝表示:「我們預計未來數年E類住宅單位 ...全文


YOHO Hub第B期下月擬推206單位

... 命名為TWENTY PEAK ROAD BY V,已屬現樓,提供4座洋房,實用面積3722至4740方呎,為3 ...全文



由地產代理監管局前主席陳韻雲在1994年創辦的V Group發展、位於山頂道20號TWENTY PEAK RO ...全文


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