... ack of a broad social safety net. With deflation setting in, China now must worry about Japanification: a long period of lost growth. Like so many emerging markets, it could ultimately end up in the “ ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-29
... elt & Road initiative as a “debt and noose” recipe for the recipient countries. This is as rude as it is disparaging in disregard of international and even interpersonal protocol. But Biden will g ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-25
... 1 BORRETT ROAD 2期,共涉66伙;赤柱村道52至54號,則佔6伙。 6月有4個私人住宅項目動工, ...全文
... ople used road transport to visit China every day last month, compared to an average of 100,000 coming to Hong Kong from China. A friend who ran a restaurant complained her family needed to wait an ho ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-16
... 地鐵Ealing Broadway站出發,乘搭Central Line往龐德街站(Bond Street St ...全文
LHN(01730) 香港上市規則項下的須予披露交易 - 收購RANGOON ROAD物業(529KB, pd ...全文
... 1 BORRETT ROAD的買賣協議,而被沒收的買家訂金會於下半年入賬。 截至6月底止,該集團擁有可開發土地 ...全文
... rists for road direction. Then of course, some 200,000 Hong Kong people left the city for good, although more mainlanders are expected to arrive through the talent program. Taxi drivers can tell you h ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-03
... 1 BORRETT ROAD第1期推一個分層戶招標,推算7月全月本港一手市場可錄約630宗成交,將連續兩個月低 ...全文
... 1 BORRETT ROAD尚未沽售的住宅單位及車位,惟因買家撻訂令交易已告吹。該盤昨天公布新一份銷售安排,下 ...全文
長實(01113)去年9月出售港島半山超級豪宅項目21 BORRETT ROAD,餘下152個住宅單位、242 ...全文
... 算解決方案BEST Road等。 客戶集中且未扭虧 該公司客戶近年顯著增加,由2020年底的33名,上升至20 ...全文
Cities are the nuclei of economic growth in every country. In India, where urbanisation is low which ranks below 60% of global average cities, its cities account for only 3% of the country's land but ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-25
... t Georges Road一帶的住屋,最受華人青睞。 區內三成住宅出租 Toorak是一個甚受物業投資者歡 ...全文
... 位於Clendon Road 61號的6房大宅「Carinya」,叫價4200萬至4600萬澳元(約2.24億 ...全文
... 位於Clendon Road 61號的西班牙風格大宅「Carinya」,佔地4715方米(約50752方呎), ...全文
... mp on the road(崎嶇不平)」,他寄語大家積極面對,主動回應大時代轉變,看到板塊轉移中,雲端翻動時 ...全文
... 1 BORRETT ROAD」尚未沽售的住宅單位、車位,連同項目欠負長實的銷售貸款,收益估計約63億元,當時有 ...全文
... th Bridge Road 362至364號,第一期Herland Gardens共有171伙,提供開放式至 ...全文