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【新股追蹤】港亞控股招股 入場費2626元

本港從事SIM卡及增值券等預付產品的批發零售商港亞控股(01723),今日起至周五(14日)中午招股,每股1元 ...全文


海底撈$17979入場 史上最貴
明天起招股 預測市盈率30倍

... 。港亞是預付產品(即SIM卡及增值券)的批發及零售商,擬於本月底於港交所主板掛牌。   ...全文


【新股追蹤】港亞控股明招股 入場費2626元

... 亞控股是預付產品(即SIM卡及增值券)的批發及零售商,與本地龍頭網絡營辦商長久穩固的合作關係,主要客戶包括少數 ...全文



... 5吋版新機均可能有單SIM卡和雙SIM卡選項。 料採用A12處理器 至於處理器方面,分析師預期,3款新機都將採 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年09月07日

Why Samsung is changing its smartphone strategy

... nd a dual-SIM card compatibility for the China market. So unless Apple will unveil some new features that haven't been heard through the tech grapevine, chances are Samsung's foldable phone will domin ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-06

數碼通少賺9% 派息削三成
預付產品銷售差 服務收入跌

... 機月費計劃用戶續轉用SIM-only月費計劃,拖累流動服務月費計劃ARPU(每月每戶平均收入)跌一成,至257 ...全文


數碼通全年盈利跌8.5% 息23仙

... 月費計劃客戶持續轉用SIM Only月費計劃,流動服務月費計劃ARPU下降10%至257元。另外,因客戶持續轉 ...全文



... 「卡后」,但信用卡和SIM card畢竟不同,你於2016年轉職SmarTone,電訊業競爭已白熱化,除了減價 ...全文


HK startup offers best rates, least hassle for travel money

... as mobile SIM cards, travel insurance and local tours. The full article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Aug 29 Translation by Ben Ng [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-29

手機App一鍵預訂外幣 唱錢神器格盡滙率靚價

... 遊習慣,繼而推銷手機SIM卡、旅遊保險、當地旅行團(Local Tour)等旅遊相關產品,為平台開拓多元化收入 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月29日

Will Apple's upcoming iPhones prove a big hit?

... ffer dual-SIM versions of some phones in select markets. If the company makes such a move, it will be welcomed by many people, especially frequent travellers. And it will help Apple compete better wit ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-28

US investor sues AT&T for US$224 mln over cryptocurrency loss

...  called a SIM swap fraud. SIM stands for subscriber identification module, and SIM cards are used to authenticate subscribers on mobile phones. SIM swapping consists of tricking a provider into transf ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-16

投資者被偷1.86億虛擬幣 向AT&T索償17億

... 美元。據稱,有人利用SIM掉換技術,把他的手機號碼轉至另一個SIM卡上,藉此偷取他的電子身份。他的電子身份其後 ...全文


Why Apple needs to launch a dual-SIM iPhone

... s: a dual-SIM offering.    Among the various speculations doing the rounds currently is that Apple could launch its first dual-SIM iPhone soon, specifically for the Mainland China market. Chatter abou ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-07


... 2測試版中發現「第二SIM片狀態」字眼,因此有傳新iPhone提供雙SIM卡配置機供用戶選擇;亦有指蘋果將為用 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年08月02日

Student arrested in US for US$5 mln crypto theft via SIM jacking

California police have arrested a college student who is suspected to have stolen US$5 million in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies through a hacking technique known as 'SIM jacking'. Tech news websi ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

騎劫手機號碼 逾40人中招

... 收到對方短訊:「我的SIM卡被黑了!」 這種攻擊稱為Port Out Scam,透過欺騙AT&T、T- ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月01日

Ex-financial chief John Tsang shifts career to mobile technology

... rough the simplification of the authentication and authorization processes. Similar to the current one-time password sent via SMS text messages, IPification, which uses a SIM card as an independent ID ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-30


... 手機身份認證系統,以SIM卡作為獨立的ID,故實名制的後付卡才適用;當商戶需要認證消費者的電話號碼或身份時,可 ...全文



... 」合作,方便客戶取得SIM卡及「MO BOX」。 月費68元 攻低價市場 MO主打低價市場,不包括行政費,提供 ...全文


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