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遊戲板塊洗牌 一雞死一雞鳴

地緣政治緊張局勢略為紓緩,美國10月份零售銷售又好過預期,可是大型零售商Target看淡傳統消費旺季表現,拖累 ...全文


Target上季利潤跌52% 股價挫13%

美國大型零售商Target公布,截至10月底止第三季度純利倒退52%,至7.12億美元(下同)。該公司警告,消 ...全文



... 國指數挫4.28%。Target上季收入增長遜預期,並警告消費者開支近數周放慢,股價插13.14%。Micro ...全文


Hong Kong moves to ban smoking for those born in or after 2009

... overnment target is 7.8 per cent by 2025. “The long-term goal of the tobacco control policies is to eliminate smoking hazards in order to avoid tobacco epidemic among the next generation,” he said. “T ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-17

道指收市反覆跌39點 納指挫1.54%

... 各股份中,折扣零售商Target上季收入增長遜預期,並警告消費者開支近數周放慢,拖累股價插水13.14%,其他 ...全文


歐股收市挫0.99% 零售和汽車股受壓

... 方面,美國大型零售商Target預期年底購物旺季的銷售遜色,引發市場對通脹恐損害零售商業務的憂慮,美股市況呈現 ...全文



折扣零售商Target第三季度純利倒退52%,至7.12億美元;調整後每股盈利1.54美元,低於預期;期內同店 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年11月17日

美旺季銷售看淡 道指反覆

... 各股份中,折扣零售商Target上季收入增長遜預期,並警告消費者開支近數周放慢,拖累股價插水13.14%,其他 ...全文


Hong Kong moves to ban smoking for those born in or after 2009

... overnment target is 7.8 per cent by 2025. "The long-ter ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年11月17日

憂零售商受損 道指偏軟

美國大型零售商Target預期年底購物旺季的銷售遜色,引發市場對通脹恐損害零售商業務,加上波蘭邊境發生飛彈襲擊 ...全文



... es in the target range, the Committee will take into ac ...全文


For Hong Kong to be back, it must fully reopen

... o precise target in mind. It's clear that COVID-19 had been a threat, and that the Hong Kong administration’s approach in the first 16 months of the pandemic had been a resounding success. It’s equall ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-03

China’s coming clash with economic reality

... ieve this target unless it reconsiders its current policies. Virtually all scientific evidence suggests that it is impossible to eradicate COVID-19. The only plausible way to manage it is with proven ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-25

Down goes the yen

... inflation target that has been in place since January 2013. As long as Japan’s inflation rate differs so sharply from those of the US and Europe, so must its monetary policy. Ensuring exchange-rate st ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-21

The implementation COP

... s funding target was set at $25 billion, with rich countries expected to make up the rest. But, even as Africa pursues – and funds – climate action, the international community’s commitments continue ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-18


... 變,亞馬遜、沃爾瑪和Target等零售商均面對庫存過多的困擾,減價促銷有助清減庫存。是次促銷活動銷售額顯著減少 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2022年10月17日

歐央行據報估算 須加息至2.25厘壓通脹

... 層展示,按照計量模型Target-Consistent Terminal Rate運算得到的結果,歐央行將把目 ...全文


Climate protection requires more mining, not less

Mining companies are indispensable for achieving the net zero target for CO2 emissions. This requires even more mining than is currently being done. Unfortunately, too little attention is paid to this ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-11


... 兩日的「早鳥促銷」,Target也展開「黑色星期五」每周優惠。其他原因還有通脹導致消費者用於非必需品的預算減少 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年10月11日

The stagflationary debt crisis is here

... for above-target inflation. Any portfolio of risky equities and less risky fixed-income bonds will lose money, owing to higher inflation and inflation expectations. How do these predictions stack up? ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

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