
共 324 個結果
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Decoding Beijing's fresh words of praise for Macau

... ignty and unity are protected. The remarks assume significance as they came ahead of Hong Kong's 20th handover anniversary celebrations on July 1, when the city will also see a new administration take ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-11

3 things to take note of in the UK snap election

... political unity in the parliament to support her Brexit plan. Hours before May's office announced that she would address the nation and make an important statement without indicating what exactly it w ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-21

44 die in Palm Sunday bombings of Egyptian Coptic churches

...  harm the unity and cohesion of the people," he was later quoted as saying by state media. Islamic State said two of its fighters wearing suicide vests carried out the attacks, and it warned of more t ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-10


... C Live in Unity 2006演唱會》穿過。藏品及圖片均由劉培基捐贈,屬香港文化博物館的藏品。 展覽 ...全文


All candidates put on a good show despite phony election

... : “To me, unity must be built step by step on solid ground. It is through real work and actual results that I will respond to those who support me, and garner the recognition of those yet to support m ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-31

No turning back as May triggers Brexit

...  European unity in the wake of two world wars. Its leaders say they do not want to punish Britain. But with nationalist, anti-EU parties on the rise across Europe, they cannot afford to give London ge ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-30

British PM Theresa May files Brexit papers

...  European unity in the wake of two devastating world wars. Its leaders say they do not want to punish Britain. But with nationalist, anti-EU parties on the rise across the bloc, they cannot afford to ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-29

Carrie Lam's real challenge has only just begun

... d ‘Trust, Unity and Hope' during my campaign is not because I needed a catchy slogan, but because I sincerely believe they are the answer to the problems our city is facing at the moment ... I am conv ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-28

China makes Hong Kong election a mere formality

... rtance of unity moving forward. She thanked all the other candidates and said her priority was “to heal the divide” and “unite our society to move forward”. But that is easier said than done. The rift ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-27

John Tsang: My wish is for Hong Kong to stay hopeful

...  value of unity and their passionate love for Hong Kong from the election, what they have gained is actually far more than what they have lost, he said. Tsang said one of the reasons he decided to joi ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-27

CE election: Weighing the candidates' platforms

...  Hope and Unity”. In his election platform, Tsang lays down his visions for Hong Kong for the next 20 to 30 years in four different aspects -- quality development, quality city, quality people and qua ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-26

Administrative capability not Carrie Lam's strength

... n restore unity and harmony to our politically torn society than Carrie Lam. Supported by the people of Hong Kong Even though Carrie Lam has claimed she has widespread support from among the Election ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-23

What it takes to be a true Hong Kong leader

... o restore unity in our society by addressing livelihood issues first. At first glance her approach might sound fair enough. However, there is a fatal flaw in her approach, as she has failed to identif ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-21

Can Carrie Lam really 'drain the swamp' once elected CE?

...  all, the unity and stability of our civil service is often seen as the cornerstone of the city's continued prosperity. After five years under the administration of Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, th ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-20

Trump takes measured tone in speech to Congress

...  national unity and showed a more measured tone, avoiding a repeat of his attacks on Democratic opponents and media organizations. Democratic Senator Tom Carper said that "the person who wrote this sp ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-01

Famine declared in parts of South Sudan

South Sudan warned that more than 100,000 people are at risk of starvation and death in the country, declaring the world's first famine since 2012 in parts of Unity state. The United Nations, which jo ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-21


... al Engine及Unity等第三方遊戲引擎,算是一個好開始,但仍需時間觀察。 版權收租佬有潛力 投資界對任 ...全文


'Angry' emoticons swamp Carrie Lam's Facebook debut

... le urging unity in light of worsening divisions in Hong Kong society. Lam's Facebook page allows visitors to leave comments, attracting messages in the ensuing few hours. One commenter called her CY2. ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-07

How Canada goes against the tide and embraces openness

... source of unity and cohesion among Canadians. Like many other countries, Canada faces the challenge of separatism, such as the Quebec independence movement. However, unlike other separatist movements ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-01

Is high popularity really everything?

... st, Hope, Unity". His campaign logo contains Victoria Mountain on the left, which stands for wealth, and Lion Rock on the right, which stands for the go-getting spirit of Hong Kong people. According t ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-23

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