
共 2677 個結果
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... %都是同類,港府面對Uber的反應就是一例。而任何制度的出現,通常都是對危機的回應:優秀的領袖會在危機出現前防 ...全文


矽谷人氣下降 醫企創投新寵

... 星,例如召車程式公司Uber 和Airbnb,兩者目前仍然是市值最高的「獨角獸」(市值高於10億美元的新創公司 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年04月14日

Uber跳船潮 公關主管請辭

召車軟件Uber(優步)最近醜聞纏身,引發高層離職潮未見止息,最新一位是為公司處理一宗接一宗醜聞的公關主管惠茨 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年04月13日

Lyft lands US$600 mln funding, valuation rises to US$7.5 bln

Ride-services company Lyft has raised US$600 million in fresh funding as it continues to compete fiercely with larger rival Uber Technologies Inc, Reuters reports. Lyft said on Tuesday it closed the w ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-12


... 海又一定唔去嘅世界;Uber司機被放蛇告上法庭,生死未卜。而港鐵,繼續延伸佢嘅手臂,喺上蓋大搞地產,而且定期喺 ...全文



... 車更沒有,我十分想念Uber,但現在說什麼都是多餘的了,我跳上我的吉普,飛車便衝往旺角 。 後來計算過,我這一 ...全文


Why finding a home-run IPO like Amazon is next to impossible

... irms like Uber and Airbnb have raised about US$30 billion in the private market over the past few years. IPO investors should take note that by the time these yet-to-list tech giants reach the public ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-07

Europe’s other populist problem

... nies like Uber and Airbnb – and boosting innovation. Continental Europe has too few elite universities, insufficient venture capital and too many regulations, with only a half-dozen countries spending ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-06

Daimler, Bosch team up on self-driving cars

... ing firms Uber and Didi which are also working on self-driving cars, Reuters reports. Technology companies and carmakers are striving to adjust to a shifting landscape in the auto industry as consumer ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-05

發牌條件窒礙 不鬆綁難創新

... 都推出新類型牌照來使UBER及同類創新形式的應用程式能夠合法經營時,香港除了全面封殺UBER外,更在傳統的士牌 ...全文


SoftBank said to mull US$6 bln investment in Didi

... ith rival Uber Technologies' China operations last year. SoftBank had earlier led a US$600 million financing round in Kuaidi Dache in 2015, which later merged with Didi. Through the Vision Fund, SoftB ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-29


... 式,比Google及Uber更快在真正公路推出應用。火箭技術向來是國家級的軍用技術,但他用有限資金成功研發Sp ...全文


丹麥收緊監管 Uber下月撤出

召車軟件Uber(優步)昨天宣布,從4月18日起停止在丹麥提供召車服務,因為當地監管規則改變,令其程式無法運作 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年03月29日


... 美國出現。運輸界奇兵Uber已命名其首發一批無人駕駛貨車為Otto,已在美國內華達州取得無人駕駛貨車牌照,離「 ...全文


Uber惹爭議 員工失信心

... 創立的call車軟件Uber(優步)起了改變世界的作用,這樣說可能有點誇張,但Uber的確打破了很多地方的士壟 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年03月27日


醜聞纏身的召車軟件Uber(優步)禍不單行,旗下一輛自駕車上周五在亞利桑那州坦佩市(Tempe)進行路面測試時 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年03月27日


... 國如此開放的社會,像Uber這樣勇猛的科企,也不敢全面跟政府對着幹,只能「又傾又砌」。至於在內地,不用說企業必 ...全文


Unlocking FinTech opportunities in the mobile payments era

... sactions. Uber is an excellent example of payments disappearing into a richer and more valuable commerce experience, and one that many in the financial industry in Hong Kong are looking to replicate. ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-21


醜聞不絕的召車軟件Uber(優步)再有兩名高層請辭,被視為公司二號人物、專責改善公司形象的總裁瓊斯(Jeff ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年03月21日

Uber president quits amid turmoil

Uber Technologies Inc. is reeling from the departure of company president Jeff Jones, a marketing expert hired to help bolster its reputation. Jones quit less than seven months after joining the San F ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-20

頁數:1...107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ...134

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