... video on YouTube and earned for herself more than 110,000 views. Now, don’t you want to have more fun at Legco with a “Legislative District Councilor” from the New People’s Party on the special elect ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-05
... ebook and YouTube may take a similar action in the future. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Jan 3 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] -- Contact us at english@hkej ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-04
美國網絡紅人Logan Paul【圖】於YouTube上傳一段在日本青木原樹海拍攝自殺者遺體的影片後,惹起軒然 ...全文
... 搜尋引擎、網上地圖及YouTube等網上服務,但UC瀏覽器壯大對Google的生意,特別是網上廣告,始終有一定 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年01月03日
... rt飛嘅Fans定係YouTube聽就評論嘅「聽眾」,頒獎禮對你嚟講係乜? 係一壇聽朝同同事、同學吹水嘅談資? ...全文
... content.” YouTube, which is owned by Google, said it was doing more every day to tackle violent extremism. “Over the course of 2017 we have made significant progress through investing in machine learn ...More
EJ Insight2018-01-02
... 組裝自己的電腦及觀看YouTube;4個月後,200份樣本全賣光了。 阿歷士本來是Newsweek雜誌的商業與 ...全文
... 收購全球最大視頻網站YouTube,也研發了能夠與蘋果iOS分庭抗禮的智能手機操作系統Android。公司股價 ...全文
... 對抗全球最大視頻網站YouTube。外電早前報道,YouTube與環球音樂和Sony Music簽了長期版權協 ...全文
... tter with YouTube where music videos are the most popular category. The multi-year agreement with Universal, which came a day after the latter reached a deal with YouTube, will be expanded to include ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-22
... 被變態匪徒綁架,透過YouTube在全球直播,放人條件是要英國首相直播跟一頭豬性交。雖然英國政府努力在國內封鎖 ...全文
... ites like YouTube and Netflix are their biggest rivals. Though these rivals occupy the bulk share of the internet traffic, they can't do anything about it. The rule change means the ISPs have several ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-19
YouTube的一段TED talk截錄視頻(https://youtu.be/meiU6TxysCg),講者 ...全文
... 憶,要研究也有錄像,YouTube上多的是;大家上網按「梁國雄勸立法會示威者撤出」字樣,便可重溫並明白政客的議 ...全文