美國加息預期降溫,港股今日期指結算日,有望跟隨外圍造好,有望重上10天線之上,內銀業績為市場焦點。 隔晚美股三 ...全文
... 銀行(06818)、民生銀行(01988)、平安銀行(000001.SZ)、 華夏銀行(600015.SH)則 ...全文
新加坡民主黨昨宣布派出重量級人馬、黨魁徐順全出戰武吉巴督區補選,現正跟其他反對派磋商,希望由他一人與執政人民行 ...全文
... %。 權益變動方面,民生銀行(01988)獲摩根大通於本周一(14日)在場內增持1.17億股H股,平均價每股7 ...全文
本欄上期說到「智慧城市」需要包括天上地面和地底的一切土地資訊。其中,地面資訊必然包括地界資料,由於這資料絕對很 ...全文
... 幅普遍超過2%。其中民生銀行(600016.SH)及北京銀行(601169.SH)跌幅最大,分別下跌3.1%及 ...全文
全國人大會議開幕前夕,國家隊全力維穩力托股市,但「托大不托小」,只推高銀行、石油及券商等上證指數重磅成分股,帶 ...全文
... 00952)公布上月民生銀行(01988)等以130.26億元入主的協議失效,因交易未獲聯交所及證監批准,致使 ...全文
A number of Chinese banks have failed to recognize loans gone sour on their books to avoid having to stump up capital. Loans to borrowers that have missed a payment are growing three times faster than ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-19
Hong Kong is an increasingly powerful magnet for mainland Chinese companies which have been moving into Central district in greater numbers. The trend is sparking soaring rents, forcing some western i ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-11
China's economy is facing strong headwinds. Many firms sink deeper into losses and find it hard to collect receivables. As bad debts rise amid the slowing economy, how can banks lend out their clients ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-06