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... 聯通(00762)及蒙牛乳業(02319);當中,中國移動就為偏遠農村開拓通訊及寬頻服務,一邊減少「數碼文盲」 ...全文


新產品不減價 蒙牛保盈利能力

今年上半年內地原奶供應過剩,蒙牛(02319)總裁孫伊萍表示,下半年供應過剩情況會持續,但蒙牛不會因而減價,會 ...全文


A股破關無功還 恒指後市有麻煩

... %、55%及47%。蒙牛乳業昨天收報33.45元,微跌0.6%;現代牧業(01117)收報2.33元,下滑2. ...全文


蒙牛收購拖累 回至32元低吸

「我們全都淪落在溝渠,但總有人眼中望着星星。」——Oscar Wilde(王爾德 1854 -1900) 中港 ...全文


蒙牛排名跳升 藉併購爭奶粉一哥

... 的企業戰略部署。上月蒙牛乳業與達能、雅士利(01230)三方簽訂諒解備忘錄,雅士利將收購多美滋中國的全部股權; ...全文


瑞銀:蒙牛創年內低位 搏反彈留意17655

... 雅士利國際公布會增持蒙牛乳業股份,但交易詳情有待進一步透露。投資者如看好蒙牛或技術反彈,可留意認購證(1765 ...全文



... 7%。 ●EJFQ:蒙牛乳業(02319)受制下降阻力線,更跌穿成交量密集區,EJFQ勢頭能量嚴重負面,表現跑 ...全文


夜期升 航空股起飛

... 0.7%至143元。蒙牛乳業(02319)遭高盛下調評級至「賣出」,指行業供過於求及銷售策略欠效率,前日跌4. ...全文


國產奶品 親疏有別

... 利用賣盤所得增持港股蒙牛乳業(02319),提高目前佔10%的股權;蒙牛同時是雅士利的大股東。 達能減少對多美 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年07月27日


...  達能套現入股蒙牛 蒙牛乳業和雅士利聯合公布,與達能簽訂一份不具法律約束力的諒解備忘錄。達能擬向雅士利出售內地 ...全文



安琪酵母(600298.SH)發布一系列公告,內容包括擬投資俄羅斯酵母項目、旗下宏裕塑業擬啟動股份制改革並申請 ...全文


Yili to benefit from dairy industry reform

China’s A shares continued to fall back Thursday. The Shanghai Composite Index dropped 3.7 percent, and Shenzhen's Growth Enterprise Market slid 6.3 percent. Investors should be careful with high-valu ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-20

What to buy before A shares break into MSCI

Hong Kong's stock market has become a battleground for mainland Chinese retail investors and global institutional investors. They have been taking a mainland view on Hong Kong shares while looking at ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-03

Why you should be overweight on China retail plays

If you are seeking bargain-hunting opportunities in Chinese stocks, there are still some options left. Foremost among them would be mainland retail plays, which have undergone major correction in the ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

Why HK gets better food even as China safety woes linger

The rules may seem a bit arbitrary, but did you know that there are detailed standards concerning the weight, pelage and body size of porker pigs to be exported to Hong Kong? Among other things, the ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-21

Tech sector weight drags on HSI

Heavy selling pressure on tech stocks weighed on Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) Monday, sending the index down 91 points, or 0.41 percent, to 22,132. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-28

High margin days of mainland baby formula market may soon end

Infant formula is generally more expensive in China than elsewhere, which is why Hong Kong has imposed restrictions of the amount of baby powder milk that shoppers can take across the border to preven ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-15

Mengniu Dairy sales up 20% in 2013, paper says

China Mengniu Dairy Co. Ltd. said its sales rose 20.4 percent year on year to 43.36 billion yuan (US$7.06 billion) in 2013, driven by government support, changes in product line-up and an acquisition, ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-27

China lenders, property plays pace HSI gains

Hong Kong stocks closed higher Wednesday, buoyed by better than expected results by Chinese banks and property developers. The benchmark Hang Seng Index picked up 155 points, or 0.72 percent, to finis ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-26

Reform hopes help Sinopec stand out in the blue-chip crowd

Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) ended a choppy trading session down Friday after rising more than 110 points in the morning. The index fell 42 points, or 0.19 percent, to finish at 22,660; ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-07

頁數:1...105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

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