
共 3000 個結果
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ONE NEW YORK高層兩房賣750萬

長沙灣ONE NEW YORK高層F室,實用面積461方呎,2房間隔,享開揚都市景,以750萬元易手,實用呎價 ...全文


高盛讚理想汽車L9銷售旺 升價至199元

... L9銷售勁,配合理想ONE需求亦佳,帶挈理想汽車股價表現凌厲。該行又指,L9訂單超過三萬輛,遠超全年目標,估計 ...全文


What makes a nation?

... nation is one that tolerates disagreement, embraces plurality, and celebrates its ability to rectify its own inadequacies. Why is that? For in order for any nation to move past the point of remaining ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-04

How GIS supports zero carbon strategy

... twilight zone, according to a new report released in February by the 1930-established Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, the United States. Further, there has been increasing activ ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-04

China’s challenge with iron ore

... s. On the one hand, the country’s zero-COVID policy could lead to ongoing lockdowns, particularly in the face of the highly contagious omicron variant, which would impact economic activity and reduce ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-04

Xi swears in new HK leader,declares capitalism will be permanent

... nder the “one country, two systems” framework, the first time he had left mainland China since Covid-19’s arrival two and a half years ago. The 25th anniversary is hugely symbolic since the Basic Law ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-04


... 角名字 在他的回憶錄One Life, Many Lives中,結過3次婚並有5個孩子的佩特羅提到年少時,父親 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2022年07月02日


... 交付13024輛理想ONE,按年增加68.9%。自上市以來,理想ONE累計交付量已達約18.45萬輛。該公司第 ...全文


造車新勢力爬頭 撐起消費半邊天

... 交付13024輛理想ONE,按年上揚68.9%;蔚來汽車(09866)6月則交付量12961輛,年增60.3% ...全文



理想汽車(02015)公布,6月交付13024輛理想ONE,按年增長68.9%。自交付以來,理想ONE累計交付 ...全文


When central bankers become the target

Who would want to be responsible for monetary policy in 2022? To judge from the fierce economic and political debates underway around the world, it is as though open season has been declared on centra ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-01


... ing two stones with one bird,兩大豪門被盧卡古「殺」晒,識玩! 撰文:咖哩略   ...全文


The politics of hope

... crificing oneself, and the actual terminal outcome of achieving very little bar pure sound and fury? It is of my humble opinion that the only path forward for hope – at times of despair – is realism. ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

A stagflationary debt crisis looms

... d (loose monetary, credit, and fiscal policies) or by stagflationary negative aggregate supply shocks (including the initial COVID-19 lockdowns, supply-chain bottlenecks, a reduced US labor supply, th ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

Epidemic and 40-year-high inflation stalk HK migrants in UK

... Church is one of 650 churches in the UK which have united to support the new arrivals. Its website offers help with education, finding a job, housing, visas and obtaining domestic help. Hong Kong is e ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

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