
共 2247 個結果
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瑞信:騰訊逆市升、平保四連跌:騰訊購28233 / 平安購26893

... 增強現實(AR)創企Meta共5000萬美元B輪融資。 騰訊週三早段逆市上升,向上阻力留意10天線約172.4 ...全文


摩通:MSCI延遲納入A股 恒指牛67443港交購27884

... 訊出現在矽谷創業公司Meta的5000萬美元B輪融資投資者名單上。騰訊股價本周由高位回落至170元關口之下,今 ...全文



... 對照試驗(RCTs)Meta分析表明,乙狀結腸鏡可降低遠端大腸癌(Distal Colorectal Canc ...全文


Selling to goldfish: the key to successful mobile marketing

... he latest meta-analysis of 173 Brand Effect Studies by The Nielsen Company has found that 10 seconds is the sweet spot for brand impact created by video ads on Facebook. Commuting time is mobile prim ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

歷久更彌新 形而上之美

在西方的哲學世界中有Metaphysical一詞,Meta源於希臘文,有之後、附加的意思。英文再將它的字義擴大 ...全文


Horizons Ventures eyes investment in financial technology

... e firm is Meta Co. which broke even after its first round of sales. It raised capital from crowd-funding platform Kickstarter a year earlier. The company produced 1,500 Space Glass which sold out in ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-10

Why organic farming is unsustainable

... A British meta-analysis published in 2012 identified some of the stresses that were higher in organic agriculture. For example, it found that “ammonia emissions, nitrogen leaching, and nitrous oxide e ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-16

頁數:1...105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

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