
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 ...150

捲侵權糾紛 iPhone X在韓或遭禁售

... iPhone外,新款Apple Watch智能手錶及AirPods無線耳機,連同一早預告的iOS 12作業系統 ...全文


歐股窄幅上落 科技股跑贏大市

... oogle)、蘋果(Apple)或亞馬遜(Amazon)等股份。不過,在一些增長迅速的小眾領域,例如是支付系統 ...全文


「空軍」準備就緒 金額達98億美元

... ,用家翹首以待的新款Apple Watch智能手錶及AirPods無線耳機,連同一早預告的iOS12作業系統屆 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年09月12日

XRL ticket sale gets off to choppy start

... ayWave or Apple Pay but was rejected on the ground that some payment methods were yet to be connected to the ticketing system. So, he ended up paying through the Electronic Payment Services (EPS). Ano ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-11


... 教練亦可經鏡頭影像及Apple Watch等設備實時查看用戶鍛煉成效。智能鏡售價1495美元(約1.16萬港元 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月11日


... 打拚近30年,一手把Apple從低潮帶向高峰,2011年身罹惡疾仍與同事商討發布新產品事宜,要不是被癌魔奪命, ...全文


高鐵售票頻甩轆 市民排隊等到躁

... 想用payWave或Apple Pay付款,但職員指多種電子支付都未能連接系統,最後只能以EPS(易辦事)付費 ...全文


蘋果工序若搬回美國 iPhone料貴20%

...  Mini、智能手錶Apple Watch、無線耳機AirPods、智能音箱HomePod以及多種配件均有可能 ...全文


Apple supplier shares fall after Trump tweet on tech giant

Shares of Apple Inc. suppliers fell across Asia on Monday after US President Donald Trump tweeted that the tech giant should make products in the United States if it wanted to avoid tariffs on Chinese ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-10

貿戰恐再升級 科技股續受壓

... Pad平板電腦及新版Apple Watch。蘋果股價原本主要受外界對新產品的評價所影響,如今卻又要面臨貿易爭端 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2018年09月10日


...  Mini、智能手錶Apple Watch、無線耳機AirPods、智能音箱HomePod以及多種配件均有可能 ...全文


蘋果料推3新iPhone 售價勢突破千美元

... rPods無線耳機及Apple Watch智能手錶,或需付上2000美元(約1.56萬港元)。 Apple W ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年09月10日

【EJFQ信析】回購魔法有盡時 美牛健康起疑慮

... ok、Amazon、Apple、 Netflix和Google母公司Alphabet)是美股「長牛」最大功臣, ...全文


回購魔法有盡時 美牛健康起疑慮

... ok、Amazon、Apple、 Netflix和Google母公司Alphabet)是美股「長牛」最大功臣, ...全文


Woman, 66, loses HK$180 million in online romance scam

...  company, Apple Daily reports, citing unnamed sources. Her husband, who had built the business with her, died in 2013, and she later started making friends on Lovestruck, an online dating site. In Apr ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-07

Why Samsung is changing its smartphone strategy

While many gadget fans are eagerly awaiting the special event to be hosted by Apple on Sept. 12, when three new iPhone models are expected to be launched, Samsung Electronics is planning to unveil a f ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-06

香港感應式支付發展成熟 有助優化本地公共交通系統

... 流行的所有支付方式如Apple Pay、Samsung Pay、Android Pay等均被接納,為何唯獨交通 ...全文


Govt blasted for hush-hush turnover of XRL mainland port area

... forehand, Apple Daily reported, citing a source. Expressing its dismay, the HKJA said the public is highly concerned about the co-location arrangement as it will have a profound impact on Hong Kong an ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-05

蘋果次季可穿戴設備出貨量稱霸 小米居次

蘋果公司旗下Apple Watch,繼續稱霸全球可穿戴設備市場。 IDC最新數據顯示,今年第二季,全球可穿戴設 ...全文


Tech offers help to fight opioid addiction

... ion. Both Apple and Play Stores are packed with thousands of treatment apps with many of them focused not on abstinence, but managing addition, from narcotics to alcohol. For anyone who has gone out c ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-05

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