... nies like Uber Technologies Inc. Auto executives are concerned that more consumers would rather borrow cars than own them. GM’s investment in Yi Wei Xing follows the launch of Maven, which provides sh ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-13
... 謂非典型就業,就是如Uber等分享經濟平台迅速蔓延,僱用大量「零工合約」(Zero Hour Contract ...全文
... 入股美國打車軟件公司Uber約5%股權,一度引起市場對該「大水喉」的關注;然而,此後已經再無新動作,如果美國與 ...全文
... irms like Uber and Airbnb, big companies like HSBC are also warming to this concept. In fact, WeWork does have a base of large corporate clients, including General Motors and Grand Hyatt. Flexibility ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-26
... cho已可以發指令向Uber租車、着它朗讀FitBit數據、訂購家居用品和操作網上銀行。反觀Apple的系統封 ...全文
Users of ride-hailing firm Grab will be able to book driverless cars from Friday as it partners with a start-up testing the technology in Singapore. The move comes just days after rival Uber debuted i ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-23
... 唱戲之滑稽效果! ■Uber的生意前景,另文說之,這裏要說的是,把它譯為「優步」,音意俱佳,真是神來之譯——筆 ...全文
Who doesn't like the new economy babies like Uber and Airbnb which help consumers pay less for more? Car-hailing company Uber has carved out a unique space for itself despite scaling down some service ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-21
Grab, the biggest rival to ride-sharing service Uber Technologies Inc. in Southeast Asia, has raised US$750 million in a funding round. The cash injection, which came just a month after Indonesian pee ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-21
... 並有更多彈藥抗衡對手Uber。 這輪融資由Grab早期投資者之一的軟銀牽頭,令公司可動用資金增加至逾10億美元 ...全文
雖然滴滴出行和Uber已經停止戰鬥,並攜手合作攻打中國市場,但這不代表call車程式服務供應商的戰爭已經結束, ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年09月21日
... 乘客召喚的士服務,如Uber及GoGoVan等,嚴重打擊業界,政府卻未有嚴厲執法,無異於姑息。他指出,Uber ...全文
... 管的士行業質素及制衡Uber,運輸及房屋局建議以專營權模式,推行優質的士試驗計劃,初步打算批出3個專營權,每間 ...全文