
共 1154 個結果
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Asian value stocks attractive amid pandemic recovery

... ut of the Block The coronavirus battle is uneven across Asia and equity benchmarks for the individual countries reflect that divergence. For example, Indian and Indonesian stocks have fallen much more ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-22

Europe’s Hamiltonian moment

... otherwise block the recovery fund and other EU initiatives and reforms) – and also to replace the United Kingdom’s net contributions of roughly €10 billion per year. That leads to the third game-chang ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-22

金融戰升級 阿里百度有除牌風險

... 洛克(Carson Block)接受外電訪問時指出,以美國投資者的標準而言,大部分在美上市的中資股均存在某程度 ...全文


肩關節脫臼 容易復發

... 轉移手術(bone block procedure),讓肩膊關節恢復穩定。年老患者如同時患有關節退化,則可能需 ...全文


午間新聞精選:港股反覆 美團續破頂

... 洛克(Carson Block)認為,為了保護美國散戶免受潛在欺詐行為傷害,美國交易所應願意捨棄未來中國公司I ...全文



... 洛克(Carson Block)認為,為了保護美國散戶投資者免受潛在欺詐行為的傷害,美國交易所應該願意捨棄未來 ...全文


Why attention management is increasingly important

... ftware to block advertising increased gradually from 15% in 2014 to 26% last year.Many know the importance of attention management, ie. not only allocating your time properly but also your full attent ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-14

How businesses can effectively empower remote working

... n able to block cyber-attacks at ease. For organizations looking to implement VDI, it is essential to consider its performance, ease of use, and scalability that eliminate complexity from VDI. Remote ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-07


... 洛克(Carson Block)表示,在需求被疫情壓垮,不太可能短期內恢復,股市估值並不合理。 5.消息指行會 ...全文


渾水:估值不合理 股市將大跌

... 洛克(Carson Block)預計,股市將大跌。 布洛克接受外電訪問時表示,後市方向應該會是大幅下跌。他解釋 ...全文


人間春色 絢麗佳餚

... 淡藍色彩Color Block餐具上,是最新的春夏美饌,繽紛色調讓菜式充滿美感,點綴斑斕的食用花,讓季節化身成 ...全文



... 能(AI)、區塊鏈(Block Chain)、雲計算(Cloud Computing)、大數據(Data An ...全文


監管機構不嚴懲 中概股造假難絕

... 洛克(Carson Block)接受本報訪問時指出,今次非刻意在美股大跌市中出手,雖無明言下一個狙擊目標,但強 ...全文


自揭誇大新業務收入 股價續瀉

... 創辦人Carson Block接受CNBC訪問,透露目前正沽空於美國納斯特掛牌的網上醫保交易平台eHealth ...全文


Pan-dems fail in bid to cut funding for police, CE office

... sought to block the package as part of the amount was for the police force, which they accused of abusing its power in dealing with protesters in last year's social unrest. The night before Wednesday’ ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-26

Huawei faces a tough battle amid global 5G rollout

... ons which block Huawei from using Google services and applications. According to Huawei, the incentive is split into two periods. During the first 12 months, developers can avail 100 percent of the re ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-11


... ayan Salt Block),屬完全天然,而且每塊都獨一無二。 喜馬拉雅山鹽板既是烹調工具,亦是天然調味料 ...全文


Dozens arrested during weekend protests in Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po

... sidential block in the nearby Kwong Ming Court estate at close to 1 am on Monday and detained dozens. On Sunday, clashes also erupted in Tai Po after hundreds of people staged an unauthorized march ar ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

17 arrested, explosives, devices seized in police raids

... sidential block of Yau Lai Estate, a public housing estate in Yau Tong, and inside Tsing Yi MTR Station, sources said. Police said they were looking for other suspects, thus more arrests are likely to ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

China loses battle for control of another UN specialized agency

... tners, to block the Chinese steamroller, which at times appears unstoppable. Last year, when Washington opposed China’s candidate for director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the US ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

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