Ever since I became a lawmaker, improving the learning environment and conditions of students with special education needs, or SEN students, has been on top of my agenda. As Chief Executive Carrie Lam ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-03
改善有特殊教育需要(Special Education Needs, SEN)學生的學習環境和條件,是筆者擔任 ...全文
I just would like to let readers know that I myself used to be a student with special education needs (SEN): I had a stuttering problem when I was a child. I always chose to remain silent in school. I ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-10
... g Sun Yat-sen University, Jinan University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University and United International College. The Zhuhai government sees a Foxconn IC fabrication plant as th ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-03
我不會說:我們都是SEN(Special Education Need/特殊學習需要),只會說,我是SEN,是 ...全文
... 不知的社會另一面,如SEN(特殊學習需要)學童、獨居老人等,起初會『心噏』,但同時加強自己信念,要做得更多;只 ...全文
... 分析員Amrita Sen對CNBC電視表示,隨着第四季美國制裁伊朗石油進入執行階段,油市供應將減少,油價有機 ...全文
Cambodia’s ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) said it has won a general election that rights groups said was neither free nor fair due to voter intimidation and the absence of any significant chall ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-30
柬埔寨昨天舉行大選。儘管尚未有正式結果,但已掌權33年的首相洪森(Hun Sen)在沒有對手下,順利連任可謂毫 ...全文
柬埔寨將於周日舉行大選,總理洪森(Hun Sen)如無意外將順利連任,延續33年強人領袖生涯。數以千計支持者周 ...全文
A Legislative Council panel urged the government to allocate more resources to the integrated education scheme in view of the soaring number of students with special educational needs (SEN), the Hong ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-12
... nal Needs,SEN)的學童設計以摺紙為切入點的培訓課程。 Jola強調,SEN學童並非欠缺能力,而是可 ...全文
... 資環球主管Anik Sen認為,今年估值不再主導環球股市走向,因美國或本港股市估值已達合理水平,相信企業盈利增 ...全文
... 資環球主管Anik Sen指,今年估值不再主導環球股市走向,因美國或本港股市估值已達到合理水平,相信企業盈利增 ...全文