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Slack上市不融資 未怕風投斬纜至

... 典串流媒體音樂服務商Spotify也採用直接上市方式掛牌,結果策略成功。但兩者不能相提並論,皆因Spotify ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年06月24日

Internet of Money: Bitcoin and Facebook's Libra

... rd, Visa, Spotify Technology, PayPal Holdings, eBay, Uber Technologies, Booking Holdings and Vodafone Group, a move that could help Libra gain widespread adoption in the retail and e-commerce sectors ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-21

Slack shares surge on debut, valuing firm at more than US$23 bln

...  business Spotify Technology SA. Slack’s trading price gave it a valuation of more than 50 times revenue. That multiple is lower than for other tech companies’ IPOs like Zoom Video Communications Inc. ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-21

Will Facebook become a global financial player?

... ing giant Spotify are among the other entities that have linked up with Facebook's Libra initiative. The firms believe their service users will welcome a new payment tool that wouldn't require provisi ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-19

Facebook unveils plans to launch 'Libra' cryptocurrency

... rd, Visa, Spotify Technology, PayPal Holdings, eBay, Uber Technologies and Vodafone Group, as well as venture capital firms like Andreessen Horowitz. They hope to have 100 members by Libra’s launch du ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-19


... Uber、Lyft和Spotify等公司支持。 下周習特會 習近平:應平等對話解決問題央視報道,國家主席習近平 ...全文



... Uber、Lyft和Spotify等。 正式投入服務後,Calibra用戶透過手機就可以發送和接收Libra加 ...全文


洛布籲分拆「御寶」 索尼恕難從命

... (Olympus)及Spotify股權,索尼不妨洗耳恭聽;分拆半導體業務可能冒上長期風險,就萬萬不能從命。 譯 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年06月19日


... Uber、Lyft和Spotify等。Calibra目前以fb子公司的形式運作,旨在「提供金融服務,方便用戶訪 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月19日


... (Olympus)和Spotify的股權。這是洛布繼2013年後第二次要求索尼作出業務調整,當時他提倡索尼出售 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月15日

Most people don't want to pay for online news: Reuters study

... Netflix , Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Prime. “In some countries, subscription fatigue may also be setting in, with the majority preferring to spend their limited budget on entertainment (Netflix/S ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-12


... 嗜好,打進蘋果公司和Spotify的熱門美國播客榜;由他邀請好朋友閒談的pet project,變成一年間製作 ...全文



美國前總統奧巴馬夫婦昨天宣布,將為音樂串流平台Spotify製作一系列獨家播客(podcast),但未提及播客 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年06月07日

美檢討音樂版權稅 業界憂慮費用激增

... 權給Pandora和Spotify等數碼串流媒體、電台、電視台,以及其他音樂使用者。     ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月07日


... 盟反壟斷機構早前接到Spotify投訴後,正對蘋果展開同類調查。 ...全文


貿戰減息搞科企 招招鋪平連任路

... 另外,過去網上音樂商Spotify亦曾批評蘋果的App Store的經營手法,並向歐盟反壟斷監管機構提出申訴, ...全文


蘋果iTunes末途 轉攻數碼服務

... 。 瑞典音樂串流巨頭Spotify跟Apple Music打對台,不滿蘋果App Store食水深抽佣高達三成 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年06月05日

US moving toward antitrust probe of tech giants: report

...  provider Spotify Technology that Apple abuses its power over app downloads. In 2014, the iPhone maker settled a Justice Department lawsuit alleging it conspired with publishers to raise the price of ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-04

Apple defends App Store amid mounting criticism

... ng leader Spotify Technology SA have criticized the iPhone maker’s practices, describing it as anti-competitive behavior in a complaint to the European Union’s antitrust regulators. Central to Spotify ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-30


... 、WhatsApp及Spotify包圍下成長,手機是閒聊、遊戲、交友、聽音樂、看影片甚至找尋工作的重要夥伴,用 ...全文


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