
共 313 個結果
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Can Huawei challenge Samsung's position in smartphone market?

... ers while Vivo is said to attract young women who love selfies. According to Huawei, its P20 series launched early this year has won over a large number of female users. Since its release in March, gl ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-27

How much will 5G cost us?

... us, OPPO, Vivo and ZTE, showcased 5G  devices featuring the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 mobile platform and Snapdragon X50 5G modem. China Mobile predicts that in the 5G pre-commercial phase in 2019, the ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-18

Vivo's dual-screen smartphone sets new benchmark

... s China's Vivo, which was ranked No. 6 in global smartphone shipments in the second quarter this year. On Tuesday, the company unveiled its latest NEX phone, taking its flagship device to a new level. ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-13

Apple has bigger problem than China court injunction

... al rivals Vivo and OPPO.  This trend is seen not just in China. Apple is suffering from weaker than expected sales of its flagship phones around the world, and this has caused its share price to lose ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-12

What to expect in 2019 flagship smartphones

... omi, ZTE, vivo and OPPO, Taiwan's HTC, Japan's Fujitsu and Sony, and Finland's Nokia. The most important partner, however, is the Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics. At the Hawaii event, Samsung w ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-06

Huawei and Xiaomi upbeat on shipments as 5G era dawns

... n units.  Vivo and OPPO, which are under the same owner, are eyeing a 10 percent shipment growth. For Huawei and Xiaomi, 2019 will be crucial as it offers the chance for them to climb to the top spot ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-05


... 810)均為9%,較Vivo高出1個百分點。 從各地區來看,OPPO在亞洲市場上居首,佔據16%份額,其後依次 ...全文


Why Xiaomi needs Meitu brand to boost market share

... s Huawei, Vivo and Oppo. While Xiaomi's smartphone shipments have maintained a strong momentum this year, it continues to lag behind its frontrunning peers in market share. According to market resear ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-21

大和:舜宇食正手機配多鏡頭趨勢 續睇115元

... 三星、小米Oppo及Vivo),估計三鏡頭手機出貨量會由今年4.61億部,增至2019及2020年的7.1及9 ...全文


OnePlus paves way for Chinese peers to break into US market

Chinese smartphone makers are doing well in their home market. Xiaomi, Huawei, OPPO and Vivo have outsold popular foreign brands such as Apple and Samsung in China with models that are relatively chea ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07

What Xiaomi can do to lift its sagging stock price

... in China, vivo shipped 20.62 million units in the third quarter ended September, up 15 percent from a year ago and giving it a market share of 19.2 percent. OPPO shipments were 20.58 million units, do ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-30

申銀萬國轉軚唱淡舜宇 大劈目標價48%

... ,因手機銷量曳,其中Vivo和Oppo上季銷量都有按年10%下跌,故對於擔心今季庫存調整,更料下半年模組毛利率 ...全文


【新股追蹤】信達生物招股 入場費7071元

... 1.57億港元股份;Vivo Funds認購1500萬美元(約1.17億港元);Rock Springs Ca ...全文


【新股追蹤】信達生物質量達標 可自行拓海外

... k Springs及Vivo Funds。 更多新股IPO資訊及集資數據分析,請瀏覽〈港股360〉全新IPO專 ...全文


大和:舜宇回調是吸納良機 惟削價至115元

... 渠道獲悉,Oppo及Vivo受內地對手機需求增長放慢影響,已削第三季尾及第四季高端手機訂單,但由於舜宇市佔率上 ...全文


Sports sponsorship becomes a weapon of mass disruption

... as Wanda, Vivo and Mengniu. In addition, Qatar Airways was prominent, although it was a Russian sponsor that particularly stood out from the crowd. Gazprom is a state-owned company involved in the ext ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-26


... 年初又重奪OPPO及Vivo訂單。 聯發科作為阿里旗下天貓精靈音箱的晶片供應商,游人傑透露,雙方繼續保持密切合 ...全文


【環宇搜股】舜宇瑞聲褪色 立訊精密趁亂崛起

... 地的華為、OPPO與vivo供貨,而舜宇主要客戶是非蘋果系手機廠,阿頭大立光出事,亞二的舜宇壓力亦唔細。 舜宇 ...全文



... 內地傳媒報道手機品牌vivo和OPPO也準備開拓消費金融業務。 可以預計香港將會出現五花八門的消費金融產品,就 ...全文


Why Samsung is changing its smartphone strategy

... , Xiaomi, Vivo and OnePlus, which are selling their flagship model at mid-range prices. Samsung cannot afford to let its guard down. Huawei, the world's largest telecommunications equipment maker, is ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-06

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