... 消息拖累,谷歌母公司Alphabet股價仍逆市下滑。 截至本港晚上11時32分,Alphabet股價跌0.34 ...全文
... deal with Alphabet Inc.'s self-driving unit Waymo this year. Uber will combine its autonomous driving system with Toyota’s Guardian technology, which offers automated safety features such as lane-keep ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-28
... Google’s Alphabet Inc., removed hundreds of accounts tied to an alleged Iranian propaganda operation. Facebook also said it had removed pages that the US government had previously named as Russian mi ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-28
闊別5年,今次再講Alphabet時,這位老朋友已貴為世界三大企業(詳見2013年9月9日《谷歌、KitKat ...全文
美國科技巨擘Alphabet在搜尋器Google於2010年退出中國後,一直有意捲土重來,最新部署是旗下自動駕 ...全文
Google母公司Alphabet旗下的自動駕駛公司Waymo證實,數月前已在上海自貿區註冊,並已安排工作人員 ...全文
... )、Twitter及Alphabet周二都分別表示,清除了至少近千個賬戶或專頁,懷疑是用來發動資訊戰。這些賬戶 ...全文
... 減持Google母企Alphabet無投票權的C級股票6.35%,至1144萬股;同時淨沽出Netflix 7 ...全文
... etflix飆4%,Alphabet漲0.43%,不過,蘋果倒退0.96%,Facebook回落0.56%,則 ...全文
... 減持Google母企Alphabet無投票權的C級股票6.35%,至1144萬股;同時淨沽出Netflix 7 ...全文
... including Alphabet Inc.’s Google Play store, are banned. Apple has been subject to increasingly strict rules regarding its content in China amid a wider effort by regulators to create a “clean” cybers ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-20
... tflix and Alphabet have underpinned much of the US stock market’s rally in recent years, along with the broader tech sector, but the group is widely viewed as overbought and valuations remain expensiv ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-20
... 遜、Netflix和Alphabet跌幅也介乎0.23%至1.7%;蘋果升見217.95美元再破頂,一度揚2. ...全文
... data from Alphabet Inc.'s Google gives details on advertisers who have spent more than US$500 on political ads from May 31, 2018. With a spend of US$629,500, the Trump Make America Great Again Committ ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-16
... 遜、Netflix和Alphabet收市跌幅介乎1.9%至3.2%,拖累納指下滑1.23%;在美國上市的京東瀉 ...全文
... 遜、Netflix和Alphabet跌幅介乎1.9%至3.2%。據報中國暫停審批新的網絡遊戲,海外遊戲開發商股 ...全文
谷歌母公司Alphabet計劃向初創保險公司Oscar Health增加投資3.75億美元(約29.25億港元 ...全文