... s such as Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube. Spotify’s free users can pick albums or playlists they want to hear, but the songs are played in a shuffled order. Subscribers, meantime, get unlimited, on-demand ac ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-09
... ,Google母公司Alphabet股價亦創日中新高;標指跌0.34%。 歐股造好,憧憬歐央行加碼QE,令法股 ...全文
... ogle(現以母公司Alphabet名義掛牌),股價升幅分別為401%、186%、1503%【圖】和133%, ...全文
... Inc. and Alphabet Inc., formerly Google, have been publishing details about the number of government requests for data they receive, the news agency said. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA/CG ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-12
... creating Alphabet as the parent company of Google Inc., in August. Where is Alphabet heading? Will it sell more ads on YouTube? Or develop its unmanned-vehicle business? What if a restaurant is allow ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-09
... ,其利潤穩定,甚至比Alphabet等龍頭互聯網企業還要豐厚【註3】。在UNP近來股價低迷時,價值投資者正默默 ...全文
... phone in Alphabet Inc's "Cardboard" device. Makers of virtual reality content can upload VR videos compatible with the Cardboard viewer directly to YouTube. YouTube said there are about a dozen VR vi ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-06
Google母公司Alphabet宣布,計劃在2017年正式使用無人機送貨。 Alphabet的無人機計劃名為 ...全文
Internet giant Alphabet Inc., the new holding company for Google, expects to begin delivering packages to consumers via drones sometime in 2017. David Vos, the leader of the company's drone effort cal ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-03
Google母公司Alphabet總裁兼創辦人布林(Sergey Brin)受訪時表示,該公司改組後,旗下各子 ...全文
... 包括︰亞馬遜、微軟及Alphabet(Google的母公司)等,Alphabet的股價今年也上升逾30%。 W ...全文
... Google控股公司Alphabet(GOOGL)早前公布亮麗業績,受惠於移動搜尋與YouTube廣告增長,股 ...全文
... Google的母公司Alphabet來說,則不過是九牛一毛而已。 波拉特由華爾街銀行過檔到矽谷,繼續擔任財務總 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年10月26日
Google母公司Alphabet、亞馬遜和微軟3家科技巨企業績勝預期,刺激美國納斯特指數上周五勁升,兩個月來 ...全文