
共 2945 個結果
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...  Summit)上,Alphabet旗下的日本機械人子公司Schaft帶來一款人形兩足機械人,與之前波士頓動力 ...全文


可選觀眾 心情圖案畫面飛過

... ouTube是母公司Alphabet的重要業務,Twitter和Snapchat等社交平台近年亦大力發展視頻業 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月08日

揀股買大開細 芬佬升跌皆輸

... 一最多芬佬持有的股份Alphabet(Google母公司),首季同樣跑輸標普500指數。 在鐘擺的另一端,公用 ...全文


Google CEO年袋7.8億

Google母公司Alphabet披露,Google行政總裁皮采(Sundar Pichai)去年薪酬逾1億美 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年04月01日


... 就母公司「字母表」(Alphabet)有此解釋:「字母表一系列獨立的、通過強大的領導人來實現成功的業務總和,模 ...全文



...  個人認為,今次只是Alphabet(GOOGL)一次成功的宣傳,在完美資訊(Perfect Informat ...全文


人機圍棋戰李世乭再敗 AlphaGo獲頒九段

... oogle,其母公司Alphabet主席施密特(Eric Schmidt)賽前稱,不論勝負如何,人類才是最後贏 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月16日

Britain to start testing driverless cars on motorways next year

... d States. Alphabet Inc. unit Google wants to eventually be able to deploy fully autonomous vehicles without human controls, and major automakers are racing to develop vehicles that can drive themselve ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-14

Google AI system attains super-human level

... nia-based Alphabet Inc., revealed its software, called AlphaGo, in January in a paper published in science journal Nature. AlphaGo had attained expert human-level performance at Go, and had beaten Eur ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-10

倫敦King's Cross魔幻變身

... ogle(現已易名為Alphabet)於倫敦國王十字車站附近購入一幅土地,興建該公司的英國總部,預計最快201 ...全文


US tech giants unite behind Apple in encryption battle

Alphabet Inc.'s Google, Facebook Inc., Microsoft Corp. and several other technology companies are filing a joint legal brief asking a judge to support Apple Inc. in its battle with the US government o ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-04

Privacy groups urge US judge to back Apple in tussle with FBI

... n Farook. Alphabet Inc.'s Google, Facebook Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Twitter Inc. also plan to file similar briefs, Reuters reports.  The ACLU argues that the FBI's request would undermine the privacy ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-03

Google admits self-driving car partly to blame for crash

Alphabet Inc.'s Google said it bears "some responsibility" after one of its self-driving cars struck a municipal bus in a minor crash earlier this month. The crash may be the first case of one of its ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-01

Foreign firms worry about impact of China's new online rules

... rms, like Alphabet Inc.'s Google services, Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc., are inaccessible in China. In recent years, Beijing has pursued a raft of laws and regulations, including a new national secu ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-24

基金齊減磅 拋售科技股
「沽神」又燒鬚 金價回升前出貨

... )、Netflix和Alphabet(Google母公司,四者合稱「FANG」),以及業績響起警號的蘋果。有趣 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月18日

油財報廢 禍延經濟

... gle為例,其母公司Alphabet的市值早前一度超越蘋果,成為世上市值最高的上市公司。視乎股價波動,Alph ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2016年02月17日

Drop in China foreign reserves shows stress, not panic

... uding its alphabet soup of lending programs, to guide down rates. Fiscal policy will also play an expanded role. Last month’s drop in foreign exchange reserves comes despite continued inflows on the t ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-15


... oogle)的母公司Alphabet。 這些科技企業逐漸取代喬布斯時代的蘋果,被稱為「FANG股票」,即成長型 ...全文



Google母公司Alphabet市值於周二(2日)收市時升至5310億美元(約4.1萬億港元),超越蘋果公司 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global一周最足數2016年02月06日

Why HK students need to learn Simplified Chinese characters

... e English alphabet as well as Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters all at the same time. After all, learning to read and write Simplified Chinese characters should not be confined to the clas ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-05

頁數:1...140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148

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