... 人消費開支核心指數(PCE)於10月份則無升跌,略遜預期,意味着聯儲局在未來貨幣政策的調整進程將會非常緩慢,有 ...全文
... 人消費開支平減指數(PCE)按年升0.2%,核心PCE升1.3%。 道指反覆 油金回落 美股在假期前缺乏方向, ...全文
... ce index (PCE) is 0.3 percent, higher than CPI, but core PCE is 1.2 percent. If the US job market continues to recover, labor costs will increase, which in turn will drive consumption and nudge inflat ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-21
... nditures (PCE) and unemployment rate. That was 200 basis points above the existing rate, almost a record high level. Given this, the Fed is set to tighten its monetary policy, especially as the labor ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-13