... 收入將被嚴重蠶食。 Uber成立7年已成為世界上最大電召車企,但毋須有屬於自己的車,以共享經濟新思維徹底顛覆傳 ...全文
... d such as Uber and AirBnb are examples of companies which have leveraged the cloud to disrupt the transportation and hospitality industry respectively. Logistics companies such as UPS and FedEx have a ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-29
... rrival of Uber, a game changer that has toppled the traditional taxi industry in almost every major city across the globe. Despite the repeated crackdowns by police, Uber has been able to establish it ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-27
... 供電召優質汽車服務的Uber遂有機可乘,乘時而興,迅即為市場受落,全面顛覆傳統的士服務。 中標財團 免交牌費 ...全文
... 經濟,召車軟件優步(Uber)及住宿平台Airbnb正是佼佼者。 難效羅斯福振經濟 侯尼爾在投資會議上發言完畢 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2016年06月23日
... 導火線是手機召車程式Uber對行業造成衝擊,市民歡迎新的競爭者加入市場,可是政府去年「依法辦事」高調拘捕Ube ...全文
Uber、Airbnb等共享經濟應用程式近年迅速冒起,在全球多地都跟政府和業內對手就規管問題激烈爭拗。彭博昨天 ...全文
... 打擊電召的士手機軟件Uber,反而經常檢控的士司機,令行業經營困難,要求當局擱置計劃。 周國強稱,的士業近年已 ...全文
上個周末,下了整天的雨,而心情一度好頹。光是等車也等了差不多45分鐘,突然手機Uber程式顯示有一輛只隔3分鐘 ...全文
... apps like Uber and DiDi, whose services they can rate after each ride. The customer ratings would directly affect the popularity and income of a driver. But will that be the same case with the drivers ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-17
Uber's Chinese rival Didi Chuxing Technology Co. is fast going up in the sharing economy with a valuation close to US$28 billion after it raised US$4.5 billion in a round of funding. That puts the rid ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-16
召車軟件Uber(優步)首次透過槓桿貸款市場融資,集資最多20億美元(156億港元)。《華爾街日報》報道,Ub ...全文
... ,但對召車軟件優步(Uber)來說卻是另一番光景,該公司早前獲沙地阿拉伯注資35億美元後意猶未盡,現正計劃發債 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年06月16日
... tsApp和打車軟件Uber(優步)等。 蘋果亦宣布,Siri和Map地圖應用程式(App)將向第三方程式開發 ...全文