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信置中期純利42億飆2.3倍 派息15仙多7% 租金收益降

... 多個新項目推售,除了ONE CENTRAL PLACE,預期今年將有3個其他住宅項目獲發預售樓花同意書,包括元 ...全文


信置中期多賺2.3倍 息15仙

... 多個新項目推售。除了ONE CENTRAL PLACE,集團預期今年將有3個其他住宅項目獲發預售樓花同意書,這 ...全文


Overcoming behavioural roadblocks to tech adoption in Hong Kong

... ong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) will allow SMEs to better connect with banks and exchange data needed for secure financing. This represents part of the government’s vision for Fintech 2025, a strat ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17

Paging Colonel Sam Daniels

... starring none other than the one and only Dustin Hoffman, and Morgan Freeman (!). The movie detailed a hypothetical outbreak of a deadly fever by an Ebola-esque virus named Motaba, in a remote, far-fl ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17

Measuring poverty properly

... e budget. One program allows citizens to withdraw funds early from their retirement savings. It has been reported that a total of RM101 billion ($24.1 billion) has been withdrawn from Malaysia’s Emplo ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-17

皓畋三房累減147萬 天鑄劈出血

... 元或3.8%。 同區ONE HOMANTIN的1座高層F室2房戶,實用面積538方呎,業主以1400萬元放售, ...全文


母基金注7400萬 助當地IP外闖

... 金(MCP IPX ONE FUND)中,合共取得11億日圓資金。 與新鴻基公司Sanrio合作 據悉,今次種 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年02月17日

Can Carrie Lam beat Omicron?

Is there anyone who can curb the unpredictable and unstoppable Omicron? Chief Secretary John Lee Ka-chiu and Executive Council member Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee had to stay home for two weeks after his mai ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-16

Europe must be Africa’s partner of choice

After being postponed several times because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this month’s European Union-African Union Summit in Brussels (February 17-18) will bring together European and African heads of st ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-16

Can data solve the climate crisis?

... n discern one cause which may also offer a solution – and that is data. The rapid digitalisation of the global economy and the resulting rise in the number of energy-intensive data centres is a major ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-16

How investors can update their income strategies

... which are one-off payments to shareholders on the back of a cash windfall, such as the sale of an asset. Rotating in and out of these dividend events tactically throughout the year can seriously enhan ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15

2022: Making the year of tiger a roaring success for payments

... d earned money on? Consumer behaviour during LNY The tradition of giving hongbao (auspicious red packet) to wish prosperity and good fortune to the recipient was revolutionised in 2014 with the invent ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15

Climate accountability now

...  Sierra Leone, and young activists like Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti from Kenya and Mitzi Jonelle Tan from the Philippines, with whom I discussed future challenges at Project Syndicate’s “Generation Gree ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15

片長3分鐘 研究指效果顯著

... 結果於期刊PLOS ONE發表。 360度欣賞 靜聽鳥語風聲 過去有研究指出,當人類身處自然環境時,可降低心率 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年02月15日

Fraud abroad: How SMBs can expand globally and stay secure

One in four consumers will continue to shop from foreign online stores, even after the pandemic, according to a recent Ipsos survey of 13,000 respondents across the world’s biggest eCommerce markets. ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-14

Crisis management requires good use of innovative technology

... ion, postponed tests, delayed meals, and more. Hong Kong has encountered waves of crises, including super typhoon Mangkhut in 2018, social unrest in 2019, the scramble for masks and medical supplies a ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-14

頁數:1...124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 ...150

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