
共 2997 個結果
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外資買貨未縮手 亞股亢奮迎聖誕

... 及Google母公司Alphabet組成的FANG指數,自11月28日見頂後便無力再創新高【圖2】,儘管標指及 ...全文


Eric Schmidt to step down as executive chairman of Alphabet

Alphabet Inc, Google's parent company, announced on Thursday that Eric Schmidt will step down from his position as executive chairman in January. Schmidt, who served as chief executive of Google from ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-22

同股不同權 要小黃瓜還是葡萄?

... 的發展策略,但很多如Alphabet的龍頭企業,反而更熱中發行更少投票權的股票類別,很難說服大家這是個公平的安 ...全文


假期氣氛漸濃 大市成交難有驚喜

... 技股造好,谷歌母公司Alphabet創新高。標準普爾500指數收市報2675點,升23點或0.9%。累計全星期 ...全文



... 錄公開。Waymo是Alphabet旗下的自動駕駛技術公司。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月18日

Foxconn joins venture to bring AI to factories

Andrew Ng, co-founder of some of Alphabet Inc.-owned Google’s most prominent artificial intelligence projects, launched a new venture with iPhone assembler Foxconn to bring AI and so-called machine le ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-15

Facebook to use its News Feed to push more videos to users

... hey do on Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube. With the update, people in the News Feed are more likely to see videos that Facebook thinks they want to watch, based on their search history and pages they have lik ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-15

Lawsuits poised after US regulators ditch net neutrality rules

... le parent Alphabet Inc. and Facebook Inc. had urged Pai, a Republican appointed by US President Donald Trump, to keep the Obama-era rules barring service providers from blocking, slowing access to or ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-15

Google to open artificial intelligence center in China

Alphabet Inc.’s Google said it is opening an artificial intelligence (AI) research center in China to target the country’s local talent, even as the US search firm’s products remain blocked in the cou ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14


... 。 軟性展現實力 與Alphabet頗為相似,百度主要收入來自搜尋相關廣告收益,另外有一堆人工智能項目,正在不 ...全文


Lyft starts Canada service in first international foray

... t fund of Alphabet Inc., and in September hired an initial public offering advisory firm. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

同股不同權 逆時而退之舉

... 更諷刺的是後來重組為Alphabet,再發行多種同股不同權的股票,大大削弱外界股東的監控權,這就是Don't ...全文



... 選串流等功能,母公司Alphabet希望藉此在音樂服務方面趕上Spotify和蘋果。 暫名Remix 華納加盟 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月09日

Apple's Cook optimistic that apps pulled in China will be back

... Apple and Alphabet Inc.’s Google generate billions of dollars in revenue globally for them and China is a key target market as its users rely heavily on their phones for daily tasks ranging from groce ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-07


... Google的母公司Alphabet,從不表示計劃把海外利潤運返家,也沒有為調回資金時要交多少稅款作出評估或撥 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年12月07日

科技巨企反彈 美股好淡拉鋸
地緣局勢又升溫 亞歐市捱沽

... book上揚逾1%,Alphabet和亞馬遜漲約1%,蘋果表現偏軟。美股未有大跌,帶動歐股收復部分失地,英股倒 ...全文


亞馬遜Google不和 互相封殺對方服務

...  Google母公司Alphabet與亞馬遜在多個領域上競爭激烈,包括雲端服務、網上搜尋、聲控裝置等。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年12月07日

盈利預測下調 美股劇震難免

... 和Google母公司Alphabet下滑4.9%,預料短期走勢仍會非常反覆。 根據MarketWatch統計, ...全文



... 、Google母公司Alphabet和Facebook(fb)均彈升。 道指標指反覆下挫 道指和標指反覆下挫, ...全文


通俄爆大鑊 道指曾瀉350點

... cebook、蘋果及Alphabet等主要科技股周四反彈後,周五再下跌。 美滙轉弱 歐羅收復失地 原本靠穩的美 ...全文


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