
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 ...150

How AI and machine learning will transform Software as a Service

...  is positioned to disrupt the data protection landscape in a variety of ways, helping to improve the key characteristics of the SaaS model across the board such as high availability and autonomous pro ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07

Hybrid Working 101: How to navigate the new world of work

... ess and phone number, together with a place to work when needed, meeting rooms and hot desks can be arranged per working day or even hours One size doesn’t fit all, enterprises have to manage hybrid w ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07


《挑戰者一號》(Ready Player One)──史提芬史匹堡(Stephen Spielberg)近年來 ...全文


一律開放式 家居設備手機操控

... 擇。 雋薈是繼千望及ONE SOHO後,旺角區2021年推出的第三個全新盤,以單幢式設計,住宅樓層共20層,提 ...全文



... dy Player One),生活的條件及要求愈來愈敗壞,那麼工業元宇宙可能對現實世界的工業不是十分重要。 不 ...全文


電腦系統遭入侵 願承擔未授權簽賬

... 心基準的Level One Profile,此為國際認可的網絡配置指引上的最佳實踐,有助減低網絡攻擊界面;着手 ...全文


電動車銷售強 3企炒高一成
小鵬理想交付倍增 比亞迪旗下熱賣

... 付約1.23萬輛理想ONE,按年增加1.28倍,是連續3個月交付超過1萬輛;自上市以來,理想ONE累計交付量已 ...全文



It was on one of those evenings when I'd asked around t ...全文


When money smells

... more than one million Uyghurs and members of other largely Muslim minorities. The CCHRC published the results of its investigations in a newsletter, financed through the Southwest University of Politi ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-04

Submerged by COVID

... national Monetary Fund in October 2019 – that is, before the pandemic. It has become a popular trope that COVID changes everything – or, rather, everything except the outlook for emerging markets. In ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-04

【異動股】上月賣車大增近1.3倍 理想炒高13%

... 交付12268輛理想ONE,按年增長128.1%。自上市以來,理想ONE累計交付量已達13.64萬輛。 截至1 ...全文


Why crypto will live on

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've probably heard of crypto. If you aren't dabbling in it and don't believe in it, you probably know someone who believes otherwise. But what is it really? ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-04

理想ONE上月交付1.2萬輛 升逾倍

理想汽車(02015)公布,1月交付12268輛理想ONE,按年增長128.1%。自上市以來,理想ONE累計交 ...全文


Metaverse jobs in future

... dy exist, one of the biggest issues is insufficient supply of talents to develop and support the entire ecosystem. Until recently, Meta has just sold 10 million Oculus VR headsets, the main hardware f ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

Fed under pressure to tighten rates more rapidly

When the FOMC meets on 26 January, Chair Jerome Powell said that the U.S. labour market conditions are consistent with maximum employment, a milestone that comes nearly two years after the pandemic fi ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

Tinkering with justice

No doubt Siobhain McDonagh MP’s advocacy of withdrawing the British judges from Hong Kong is well intentioned but, with all due respect, it is misguided. It is correct that pursuant to their concept o ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

Hong Kong pets emigrate with their owners

... move from one country to another require veterinary and health checks and detailed documentation, usually within a limited time frame. In Hong Kong, a group of people can together book a charter plane ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

頁數:1...126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 ...150

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