
共 1925 個結果
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US officials seek to calm market panic over coronavirus

Senior Trump administration officials in the United States on Sunday tried to calm market panic over the coronavirus, saying investors had over-reacted and that stocks will rebound due to the American ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-02


今日市場焦點絕對唔係我第21日home office,應該係11點就會開始宣讀嘅《財政預算案》,著眼點都係財爺 ...全文


Tesla, regulators strongly criticized over 2018 Autopilot crash

The National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday sharply criticized Tesla Inc.’s lack of system safeguards in a fatal 2018 Autopilot crash in California and called US regulators’ approach in overse ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-26

US braces for Covid-19 spread as outbreaks worsen in Italy, Iran

US health officials told Americans to begin preparing for coronavirus to spread within the country as outbreaks in Iran, South Korea and Italy escalated. Iran’s coronavirus death toll rose to 16 on Tu ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-26


神奇呢!喺第20日home office嘅時侯,明明噚日收市後戰友Jack同我講道期跌過700點;噚晚仲為咗道 ...全文


US expects China to honor trade commitments despite virus crisis

The United States expects China to honor its commitments to buy more US goods under a trade deal signed by the two sides in January, despite the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters reports, citing a senior ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-21

被問立會開會「發夢」 劉怡翔:「當然唔係啦」

財經事務及庫務局局長劉怡翔今早在立法會會議上答非所問,引起議員不滿,他離開會議廳時向傳媒稱,自己當時「有啲緊急 ...影片


Trump blasts proposed US curbs on sale of jet parts to China

President Donald Trump objected to US proposals that would prevent companies from supplying jet engines and other components to China’s aviation industry and suggested he had instructed his administra ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-19

Facebook must be treated like telco-newspaper hybrid: Zuckerberg

Online content should be regulated with a system somewhere between the existing rules used for the telecoms and media industries, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Saturday, Reuters reports. Speaki ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-17

Iran will never yield to US pressure for talks: Rouhani

Iran will never hold talks with the United States under pressure, President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday, adding that Washington's tactics are doomed to failure. “Iran will never negotiate under pres ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-17

New coronavirus cases in Hubei fall as Japan reports first death

The death toll from a coronavirus outbreak in central China’s Hubei province rose by 116 on Friday, health officials said, less than half the number of deaths from the day before, when Japan reported ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-14

UK finance minister quits amid government reshuffle

Boris Johnson forced the resignation of his finance minister for refusing to toe the line, a sign the prime minister was tightening his control in a government reshuffle designed to deliver his vision ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-14

Fed's Powell remains upbeat about US economy

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell reiterated his confidence in the US economic outlook, even as he said he expected some drag “soon” from China’s new coronavirus epidemic, Reuters reports. “There ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-13

FTC demands data on small deals by tech giants

Concerned that big tech companies are unfairly engaging in potential anti-competitive behavior, the Federal Trade Commission has ordered Alphabet Inc.’s Google unit, Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc., Faceb ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12


第10日home office(日日咁數,我開始覺得自已好似活喺荒島嗰啲人咁,日日數日子等人救)。噚日11點到 ...全文


Coronavirus is test of China’s international credibility

Last Thursday, China’s ambassador to Britain criticized its government for advising its tens of thousands of citizens in China to leave the country. “It was an overreaction that ignored World Health O ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10


早晨!第九日home office(公司延長咗我哋home office多一個星期),新十五就過咗啦,補祝大家 ...全文


Heavy rains bring relief, new dangers to bushfire-hit Australia

A four-day downpour across Australia’s east coast has brought relief after months of devastating bushfires and years of drought, but also widespread storm damage and forecasts of more wild weather to ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

Coronavirus kills 'hero' Chinese doctor who sounded alarm

A Chinese doctor who tried to warn the world about a new coronavirus died of the disease on Friday, prompting an outpouring of sorrow, Reuters reports. Li Wenliang, 34, died in the early hours of the ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-07

大華繼顯:大市反彈持續性成疑 二三線新經濟股接力炒上

技術走勢上,經過深度調整過後,恒指日線圖跌穿自去年8月形成的上升軌,走勢轉淡。近兩日指數雖在成交配合下自低位回 ...影片


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