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Why China is now holding up its political system for emulation

Last October, China raised its leader to dizzying heigh ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年03月22日

Trump-Kim meeting: What role should China play?

It is remarkable that in the short space of three months, the political situation on the Korean Peninsula has moved from the edge of war into an unwonted atmosphere of hope. The mastermind behind the ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-12

President for life: Xi move will cause huge problems for China

The decision by President Xi Jinping to end term limits for himself returns China to strongman rule, a style of government that many hoped had died with Mao Zedong in 1976. It also pits him directly a ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05

The China threat: Theory or reality?

China's rapid growth and increasingly assertive behavior are causing alarm in many parts of the world, but Beijing continues to ridicule what it calls "the China threat theory," telling the rest of th ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26

Russian meddling in US elections: Did China know?

The indictment by Special Counsel Robert Mueller charging 13 Russian citizens and three Russian entities provides detailed allegations of what the Russians did when they interfered in the 2016 America ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-20

Doing business in China: Politics is still in command

People love quotes, especially inspirational ones. Chairman Mao Zedong’s words, “The Chinese people have stood up,” spoken in 1949 after the communist triumph in the civil war, still resonates among m ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-12

Bishop appointments in China: Pope vs the Communist Party

Ever since the Roman Catholic Church and China began a dialogue in the 1980s, it was known that, one day, the Vatican would have to decide what to do about the nation’s Catholic population, divided be ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-08

Bishop appointments in China: Pope vs the Communist Party

Ever since the Roman Catholic Church and China began a ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年02月08日

China to Japan: Work harder if you want to be my friend

The visit by Japan's foreign minister to Beijing over the weekend marks the first tangible sign of progress in Sino-Japanese relations since both countries indicated last year an interest in ending th ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-29

America’s decline and China’s rise

China is opening 2018 by doing something that it never used to do: boasting about its achievements and comparing itself favorably with the United States, backed up by a Gallup poll that showed more pe ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-25

America's decline and China's rise

China is opening 2018 by doing something that it never ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年01月25日

Inter-Korea talks: Will they lead to US negotiations with North?

The global spotlight which has been focused on North Korea for much of 2017 has shifted slightly to South Korea, which has assumed an uncharacteristically key role under President Moon Jae-in. The Sou ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-15

Inter-Korean talks: Is a corner about to be turned?

High-level talks between North and South Korea this week offer a potential for diplomacy – not threats of war – to reduce the increasingly tense standoff between Washington and Pyongyang, amid the lat ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-09

HK celebrates new year with reduction in autonomy

Hong Kong begins the new year celebrating an odd victory: a voluntary reduction in its China-granted autonomy by “leasing” back to China a portion of a new railway terminal where mainland security per ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-02

US security strategy: Getting tougher on China

It is no secret that China and the United States compete around the world, although in certain areas they cooperate. The newly released National Security Strategy of the United States, unveiling the T ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-28

US security strategy: Getting tougher on China

It is no secret that China and the United States compet ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2017年12月28日

Sino-Japan ties: Will there be more trust or just cordiality?

Three years ago, China for the first time observed a National Memorial Day to mark the anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre of 1937 when, according to Beijing, 300,000 civilians and unarmed soldiers we ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-18

Rejuvenation and reunification: What is Taiwan’s role for China?

Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s report to the 19th congress of the Communist Party of China drew international attention to China’s vision of its emergence as a “great modern socialist country” by the mid ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

Rejuvenation and reunification: What is Taiwan's role for China?

Chinese leader Xi Jinping's report to the 19th congress ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2017年12月14日

A China dilemma: How to respond to North Korea’s nuclear program

North Korea’s ICBM test on Nov. 29 brought about what are now routine responses -- a pre-dawn National Security Council meeting in Seoul, similar emergency meetings in Tokyo and Washington, as well as ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-04

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