法國奢侈品企業開雲集團(Kering)在旗下時裝名牌Gucci強勁業績帶動下,第一季業績報捷,刺激股價昨天創新 ...全文
... 破頂,擁有意大利名牌Gucci的法國集團開雲(Kering)、瑞士的歷峰(Richemont)等都上揚。 LV ...全文
Once you step out on the streets of Florence, I bet you'd find it hard to resist going on a shopping spree. Who could when confronted with temptingly exquisite Prada shoes and Gucci bags with price ta ...More
EJ Insight2017-03-03
... 要因為旗下意大利品牌Gucci收入急升21%,增幅高於預期近一倍,升至13.4億歐羅,反映在新行政總裁帶領下正 ...全文
... 擇把專門店改頭換臉,Gucci設於北京的專門店經翻新後重新營業,佔地12558平方呎的店舖從地氈至家具都煥然一 ...全文
... 銷售商,旗下產品既有Gucci皮鞋,也有Puma運動裝。品牌差異如此之大,有人可能認為格格不入,但市場不介意。 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月28日
... 業績反彈。意大利名牌Gucci的母公司Kering昨天公布第三季業績,營業額升了10.5%,為2012年最佳。 ...全文
... 有着紋身和脾氣、喜歡Gucci的金髮美女」;儘管她轉變了旅行社的命運,然而,她在兩年後卻被董事會趕下台。 惹來 ...全文
... ront of a Gucci shop in Italy while eating a bowl of instant noodles has gone viral on social media. According to the survey, 43 percent of those with a monthly income of 20,000 yuan (US$3,000) or abo ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-29
Earlier this year stores in Hong Kong that sell paper goods to be used as offerings to the dead were astonished to receive a letter from Italian luxury brand Gucci warning them to stop selling paper v ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-20
... s such as Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent. In her 40-page decision, McMahon said the IPO materials contained extensive disclosures of regulatory risks that Alibaba faced for failing to police its website ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-23