... 8號Central Peak II(Central Peak發展項目第2期)周五突於網頁上載樓書,部署推售。 ...全文
新地(00016)旗下東半山司徒拔道18號超級豪宅項目Central Peak 2期,發展商於網頁內上載樓書, ...全文
... 半山Central Peak第2期,屆時不止「月月有樓賣」,更有可能2至3個新盤同期開售。 ...全文
... 半山Central Peak第2期,不止月月有樓賣,更有可能2至3個盤同期開售。 ...全文
... 眼見通脹與「3P」(peak growth, peak stimulus, peak profits)並存,索 ...全文
... from its peak (though how fast inflation will fall remains very uncertain), boosting labour real income. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that if the labour market gets back to maximum emp ...More
EJ Insight2021-08-31
... -pandemic peak in the third quarter of 2019. By contrast, second-quarter GDP in the US was already 1% higher than its pre-pandemic peak in the fourth quarter of 2019. The government has offered essent ...More
EJ Insight2021-08-27
... ,今年最大回撤幅度(peak-to-trough drawdown)僅4%左右。迄本周二,標指先後51次創收市 ...全文
... at their peak in the early 1990s, but this level has progressively declined since then and today sits at around 10%. This positive trend should continue to reduce the protection of underperforming ma ...More
EJ Insight2021-08-19
... 國達到「頂尖樂觀」(peak optimism),經濟看來復甦,人民對前景更具信心,然後第二季終結。 根據美國 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2021年08月13日
... 格的仍是投資者情緒,peak growth也好,通脹也罷,預期永遠比真實情況更具推動力。 (編者按:畢老林 ...全文
... 超級豪宅77/79 PEAK ROAD及MOUNT NICHOLSON售出單位及車位,涉額203億元。 會德豐 ...全文
... ndly, the peak in the acceleration phase of the US macro cycle has likely passed in Q2, indicating a moderation in earnings upgrades for the months ahead. Given that the US market has already moved fa ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-30
... ed by the peak tax period in mid and late July. Netting out these effects, the liquidity of the banking system would remain relatively stable. Two, financial conditions remain accommodative. Investors ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-29
... from its peak of 70,000 per year during 2005-2007 to less than 20,000 in 2018/19. Yet in Singapore, a comparably small economy, the participation rate is as high as 49%. This shows that Hong Kong lac ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-28
本港超級豪宅買少見少,有買家為奪心頭好,不惜啃巨額辣稅入市。港島南區壽山村道SHOUSON PEAK一幢董事屋 ...全文
土地註冊處資料顯示,港島南區壽山村道洋房項目SHOUSON PEAK 19號F洋房,實用面積4237方呎,以4 ...全文
... wn from a peak of about 100. The closures are the result of rising anti-Chinese sentiment among the European public and governments. They see the institutes not as academic bodies but propaganda instr ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-16
... wn from a peak of about 100. The closures are the resul ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年07月16日