... 開不同的先導計劃 (pilot project)。Croke 坦言,箇中難度是訂立數據的標準格式,因為企業各自 ...全文
... er Works' pilot program is by far aimed at people who are not currently drivers with Uber. Yet, it could eventually serve as a complementary service to its core ride-hailing business, offering a pote ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-19
... under the Pilot Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions, and on setting up a voluntary registration system for nurses. However, the policy address didn’t answer calls from the nursing s ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-15
... aunched a pilot scheme of providing social workers for local schools in 1974. Acknowledging the importance of having social workers in schools, the government in 1977 formulated a policy of providing ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-11
... ment. The pilot program is scheduled to begin on Nov. 10 and run for more than a year while formal, permanent rules are being written, a senior administration official said. The interim regulations wo ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-11
... d Sharing Pilot Scheme, as a move to address the housing shortage in short to medium term. To be introduced as early as next year, the new scheme will aim to utilize the privately owned land plots whi ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-10
Fully self-driving cars may be on the fast lane to US roads under a pilot program the Trump administration said it was considering, which would allow real-world road testing for a limited number of th ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-10
... Park &Pilot Plants項目的設計、採購及施工承包合同。 該項目是於沙地阿拉伯朱拜勒(Ju ...全文
... sla’s Autopilot with similar systems from Nissan Motor and Zhejiang Geely’s Volvo Car Corp., Reuters reported. Nissan’s ProPilot Assist was ranked third and Volvo’s Pilot Assist fourth. GM, Tesla and ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-05
... rt with a pilot scheme in certain regions before getting the approval of National People’s Congress to issue the change as a national policy. As such, the removal or amendment of the housing pre-sale ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-27
... 當日更有「飛行員」(Pilot)駐場,協助大會控制無人機系統,例如2017年卡塔爾國慶和杜拜世界盃賽馬日閉幕禮 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月24日
... eme” on a pilot basis. Under the program, multi-disciplinary professional teams made up of teachers, educational psychologists, school social workers and psychiatric nurses would provide support for s ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-20
... ai-Shekou Pilot Free-Trade Zone. Evaluations of those experiences led to last year’s announcement of more FTZs, as well as the Xiong’an New Area, an ambitious plan to transform – using cutting-edge te ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-29
The government has launched a five-year pilot scheme to lure talent as part of efforts to drive Hong Kong's innovation and technology development. Secretary for Innovation and Technology Nicholas Yang ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-23
... ‘virtual pilot’, it needs time and data to verify whether it can guarantee driving safety in a complex urban environment," Qui said. He also believes that laws and regulations need to keep pace with ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-22
... -launch a pilot scheme and provide intermediary services to facilitate the redevelopment of CBS flats. Unfortunately, the initiatives achieved little success, not least because of the fact that many C ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-22
... eath of a pilot whale in June found with some 80 pieces of plastic rubbish in its stomach focused attention on what environmentalists call Thailand’s “addiction” to plastic bags and packaging. Thailan ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-16