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What’s the next bright spot for Apple after iPhone?

... ed with e-SIM technology, which enables the watch to be connected to the 4G LTE mobile network through an iPhone. And after the setup process, the watch can be used independently without an iPhone nea ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-14

數碼通半年少賺17% 息18仙

... 續從手機月費計劃轉用SIM-Only月費計劃、預付收入下跌及語音漫遊的結構性下滑所致;手機及配件銷售15.86 ...全文


Can China Unicom be reborn through its BATJ partnership?

...  have the SIM cards delivered quickly anywhere. Right now, mobile users in rural or inland cities in China don't have a real choice in terms of service providers, due to the lack of retail outlets oth ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-13

Why mobile operators want your second SIM card slot

... away free SIM cards with mobile data usage for their customers' second SIM card slot and offering them contract-free price plans. This is a good business strategy. It is becoming increasingly difficul ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

去年純利升4% 派息36.75仙

... Club及Club SIM等新型服務,提高顧客體驗。他強調,Club SIM並非等同廉價的月費,而是讓用戶更加 ...全文


US dollar holds firm as investors scurry to safety

... yen, said Sim Moh Siong, FX strategist for Bank of Singapore. “I would see 107 to 108 as the next support for dollar/yen,” Sim said, adding that if the selloff picks up further steam the dollar could ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-06


... 地玩電腦遊戲。後來,SIM遊戲大行其道,先後出現很多場景遊戲,甚至開發以醫院管理為核心的模擬主題醫院。玩家需要 ...全文


Systems thinking: Why it is important

... ight upon similar topic. Between the two titles, I however would give more marks to Thinking in Systems. What is a system? It's a set of inter-connected bodies, which interact with each other in a spe ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-19

Samsung Pay partners with Octopus: will Apple follow suit?

... us mobile SIM card launched a few years ago, this tap-and-go e-wallet service is the first major breakthrough. Will Apple also partner with Octopus in the future? That depends how much the tech giant ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-21


... ,除了幾年前的八達通SIM卡之外,便再沒有其他新產品,為何要等到多年後才把八達通的技術放進手機裏面? 其實八達 ...全文


亞視變身OTT 首年投資4億
下月重生推9條頻道 次季起收費

... 將會推出與Club SIM掛鈎的推廣,現有客戶登記可獲6個月免費使用App內的所有內容,更可以Club SIM ...全文


Thales agrees 4.8 billion euro Gemalto takeover

... for phone SIM cards towards security services such as data encryption and biometric passports. “This is a terrific project,” Thales chief executive Patrice Caine told reporters on Sunday. “In digital, ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-18

阿根廷駐港總領事 收駐外地總領事最高薪水

... tin的名字,「他和Simón Bolívar(來自委內瑞拉)一同對抗西班牙,爭取南美國家的獨立。他們是獨立戰 ...全文


Android devices covertly sending location data to Google: report

... serting a SIM card -- a phone running Android software gathers information about where the user has been, and sends it back to Google whenever the user connects to the internet, the investigation reve ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-22

How technology is boosting free independent travel

... e a local SIM card or connect to WiFi when they arrive at the destination. Through online apps, they can easily change the itinerary, book transport, hotel rooms or shows at any time. They will find i ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-13

Digital FIT旅遊新態度

... 目的地後買上一張本地SIM卡或使用WiFi網絡,便可以隨時更改行程計劃,預訂交通、房間或節目門票。即使在最後一 ...全文


Estonia blocks eID card services after security flaw found

... martphone SIM card, with a built-in key encryption. An eID card does not use a card reader but a specific mobile app for verification and digital signature purposes. During the nation's parliamentary ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-08


... 等。eID須配合手機SIM智能卡使用,內置私人密鑰,用戶毋須讀卡機,即可透過專用程式,完成驗證及簽署功能。以2 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年11月07日

數碼通:iPhone X計劃反應佳

... Phone X連兩張SIM,每張SIM有15GB數據及FUP不限速無限數據。 數碼通科技總裁鄒金根稱,集團引入 ...全文



... 卡,將八達通號碼併入SIM卡,拿着手機就可以。當然如果不想用手機,用手錶也可以。至於收費用的讀卡機,科技上的整 ...全文


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