... ival John Tsang. Just weeks ago they were the most senior members of the same government but to hear them speak now you would imagine that they had no contact while in office and that they somehow cam ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-10
... 小三全港性系統評估(TSA)「修訂版」2017小三「基本能力評估研究計劃(BCA)」,並擴展至全港小學,難怪乎 ...全文
... 要強行復推全港性小三TSA(Territory-wide System Assessment),新稱BCA(B ...全文
... 場;又指簡單着眼取消TSA等議題意義不大,而是要創造穩定、關懷、具啟發性及富滿足感的教育環境。她昨天下午與教協 ...全文
... 問題,他們不需要操練TSA,卻沒有安全合適的地方讓他們玩耍。這個現象一直不被社會關注,但美國的達雷爾.哈蒙(D ...全文
... 出教育很重要並要廢除TSA,虛實並重,雞鳴驚人! 一不離二,家家有求,選舉不能執輸,隨即有另一參選人公布,早已 ...全文
The government has reignited the controversy surrounding the hotly disputed Territory-wide System Assessment program (TSA) by announcing that it will be replaced by the Basic Competency Assessment pro ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-26
TSA(全港性系統評估)改名為BCA(基本能力評估研究計劃),教育局局長吳克儉昨日出席立法會教育事務委員會會議 ...全文
英文簡稱TSA的「小三全港性系統評估」一直是教育界爭議性甚大的課題,教協舉行「二○一六年十大教育新聞選舉」,結 ...全文
... sessment (TSA) under a new name. Education Secretary Eddie Ng Hak-kim rejected criticism that the BCA is TSA with a different name. BCA features some new elements, Ng said, claiming that it will have ...More
EJ Insight2017-01-24
... 缺席全港性系統評估(TSA)公聽會,他解釋當時因為妻子身體問題而安排家人遊日數天,已籌備多時,當知悉外遊與會期 ...全文
全港性系統評估(TSA)2016年在家長、學生和學校的反對聲下暫時擱置。事隔一年,教育局宣布TSA於今年5月改 ...全文