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亞馬遜送遞需求增 添置2200輛重貨車

... ,開始轉用聯合包裹(UPS)和聯邦快遞(FedEx)等大速遞公司使用的重型貨車,希望能夠提升送貨效率,以免交貨 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年07月13日

Using technology to help reduce traffic accident

... nd runner-ups will also have the precious opportunity of summer internship provided by the Urban Renewal Authority. The champion of Esri Young Scholars Award, Tsoi Ka Ho Jason, is a student from the D ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-06


... 定繼續生產,因為包括UPS在內的速遞公司,繼續訂購這款飛機用作貨運用途。 ...全文



... 的戰略投資;物流巨擘UPS早於2018年,宣布夥拍Arrival研發和試營電動貨車,今年初已向其訂購了1萬輛。 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月30日


... 之中,包括聯合包裹(UPS)一架掉換交付期的貨機,以及14架737 Max型號飛機,這款飛機早前先後發生兩次空 ...全文


How HSBC Jade helps clients become better investors

... h lots of ups and downs. The path to profit is often littered with pitfalls. Abouzahr suggests a few core principles for investors to keep in mind. “One is diversification. Another is discipline – in ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-14

UPS首季盈利遜預期 降資本開支

速遞公司聯合包裹(UPS)公布,首季利潤按年跌13%至9.65億美元;每股經調整盈利為1.15美元,低於市場預 ...全文


亞馬遜傳停第三方送貨服務 集中應對新單

《華爾街日報》報道,亞馬遜停止推出與聯合包裹(UPS)及聯邦快遞(FedEx)直接競爭的第三方送貨服務,因為該 ...全文


FedEx削CEO薪酬91% 提取117億備用信貸

...  聯邦快遞與主要對手UPS已經要求美國政府施以援手,以應對疫情帶來的業務下滑困境。集團表示,雖然住宅送貨服務仍 ...全文



... Lab Scale-Ups的研究員。 一個科技創新的發明,不一定需要最優質的材料。普遍認為植物外殼是垃圾,同樣 ...全文


涉16.1萬員工 最快三周後公布細節

... 輸行業包括聯合包裹(UPS)等則由另一家投行負責。對國家安全十分重要的航天及航空製造商包括波音,則會由另一投行 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年04月03日

Two more eateries suspend business amid Covid-19

... land hook-ups late in the night, the Wellington Street outlet will be missed by many. Though painful, restaurant closures are increasingly being viewed as necessary amid the growing concerns over the ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-23

債市資金慌忙跑 低撈亞股覓回報

... ,包括聯合包裹服務(UPS)、迪士尼等7間公司均在一級市場成功發行債券。 在拋售潮下債市流動性不足,美國聯儲 ...全文


Impossible Foods raises US$500 mln in new financing

... t has its ups and downs, but the global demand for food is always there, and the urgency of our mission only grows. Our investors not only believe in our mission, but they also recognize an extraordin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-17

Rate cuts alone won't help the world ride out Covid-19 crisis

... he normal ups and downs of the world economic cycle, but a sudden and wholly unforeseen factor. The interest rate cuts might help ease the credit environment, but they may not be able to address all t ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-13

How BlockFi is growing its 'bitcoin lending' business

Investments in cryptocurrency have remained broadly depressed through a prolonged "crypto winter" after 2018. While a growing number of crypto ventures and startups struggle for funding and survival, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

華抗疫累物流業 iPhone晶片商降收入預測

... l Service,UPS)與聯邦快遞(FedEx),都發出今年首季度業績警告,其中UPS披露季度業務明顯放緩 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月05日


... 濟構成負面影響。■ UPS與FedEx分別稱,首季業績料受疫情打擊。■ 美國10年期債息一度跌至0.919厘的 ...全文


UPS與FedEx警告 疫情拖累首季業績

美國速遞公司聯合包裹(United Parcel Service, UPS)與聯邦快遞(FedEx)分別表示, ...全文


Computing sub-sector to keep driving Nasdaq in the era of AI

The stock market correction that started recently was again led by the technology sector. Yes, a leading sector tends to lead both ups and downs in cycles. We all know that tech has been the leader: C ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-26

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