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黑客可繞過防護 用戶應即更新

微軟(Microsoft)日前接獲美國國家安全局(NSA)通報,指其Windows 10(視窗)作業系統存在一 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月16日

Microsoft issues Windows security fix after NSA tipoff

Microsoft Corp. rolled out an important security fix after the US National Security Agency tipped off the company to a serious flaw in its widely used Windows operating system, Reuters reports. Micros ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-15

微軟Windows 10傳存缺失 美國安通知補救

... A)日前知會微軟,指Windows 10操作系統有一項顯著缺失。 報道引述NSA官員稱,有關事件在數周前發生。 ...全文


全球個人電腦銷量去年上揚 8年來首見

... awa認為,商界要對Windows 10作出更新的安排,是刺激PC銷量上升原因之一,預期有關趨勢將持續一段時間 ...全文



... 軟件如Office及Windows等收租。 「Our job is to ensure that Micros ...全文



迫使用戶升級,可以去到幾盡?微軟將在明年1月14日起,停止支援旗下Windows 7(視窗)作業系統,不再提供 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年12月13日

Nationwide strike cripples transport, shuts schools in France

...  hope the windows of the Elysee are open,” said Philippe Martinez, secretary-general of the CGT union, referring to the presidential administration. Police used tear gas in central Paris on Thursday a ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-06

Tesla unveils first-ever electric pickup truck

... as having windows made from armored glass. But the glass cracked like a spider web when hit with a metal ball during a demonstration. Musk appeared surprised but noted that the glass had not completel ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-22

Microsoft secures license to export software to Huawei

... company’s Windows operating system. “This will be a major relief for Huawei after an arduous period with large technology players like Microsoft, Google and others restricted on the platform,” Ives sa ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-22


... 場亦不斷流失,即使有Windows內置IE(Window 10後改為Edge)的優勢,但根據Statista, ...全文


Liaison Office calls on HK society to resist violence

... doors and windows of the Xinhua building, set fire at the lobby, painted insulting words on the building's facade, and sprayed red paint inside the building near the entrance. In a statement, Xinhua e ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-04

Protesters battle with police in HK after 'illegal' mass rally

... had glass windows smashed up. Smartphone maker Xiaomi also had one shop vandalized. One trashed shop on Sunday had protest slogans left on its shutters saying it was attacked because it was owned by m ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-21


... 科技公司,其操作系統Windows和辦公室軟件Office,在全球居於壟斷地位。但倘若美國禁止部分市場使用微軟 ...全文


Govt to ramp up security at Legco as session resumes next week

... me of the windows and entrances to the building are still blocked with wooden boards and the Civic Square, an open space in front of the East Wing of the Central Government Complex, which is a favorit ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-09

Can Microsoft capture some smartphone space with Surface Duo?

... re of its Windows phones. At the event in New York City last week, Microsoft announced a series of product upgrades for its Surface devices. While the regular upgrade to the Surface tablet offered no ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-09

微軟推可摺疊式手機Surface Duo

... 的Android配合Windows 10X系統。 微軟一直被盛傳推出Surface手機,但Surface Du ...全文


HK police expect 'violent attack' on National Day

... graffiti, windows in government buildings smashed and parts of pavements uprooted by protesters during the weekend’s unrest. Some underground stations were vandalized and streets strewn with debris fr ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-30

Carrie Lam says she won't allow US interference

...  smashing windows and starting street fires. “It’s extremely inappropriate for foreign parliaments to interfere in HKSAR internal affairs in any way, and [we] will not allow [the United States] to bec ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-10

Huawei turning to Russian OS amid Android ban

... crosoft's Windows 10 Mobile, BlackBerry 10, webOS, Firefox OS and Ubuntu Touch from the smartphone OS market.  That's why Huawei has turned to the Sailfish OS, which is the last remaining third-party ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-29

Protest chaos grips Hong Kong with tear gas, water cannon

... shopfront windows and threw tear gas canisters back at police. The vast majority marched peacefully as a large contingent of protesters split up, radiating out to at least four other locations across ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-26

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