
共 313 個結果
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Will Note 9 be able to boost Samsung smartphone sales?

... o Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo. One Plus and other local brands are also popular in the mainland's inner cities because of their very affordable prices.    A Samsung official recently admitted that the compa ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-15


... 果、OPPO、華為、VIVO、三星、LG、小米。第二季三星的手機售價排名被OPPO、華為等中國品牌超越。 據統 ...全文


Why Apple needs to launch a dual-SIM iPhone

... s Huawei, Vivo, Oppo and Xiaomi. While Apple reported a strong performance in China market in the quarter, with revenue up 19 percent from a year earlier, the iPhone business wasn’t that good when com ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-07

Samsung must act fast to launch innovative smartphones

... one maker Vivo launched a full-screen NEX device, which became a big hit in many markets due to its innovative pop-up front camera, a first of its kind in the market. Other Chinese phone makers are a ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01


... ,銷售3813萬部,vivo以3551萬部緊隨其後。華為排名第四,銷量為3057萬部,僅次於蘋果的3211萬部 ...全文


How Pinduoduo became No.3 China e-commerce player in three years

... Wang Wei, Vivo chairman Duan Yongping, and Sun Tongyu, a co-founder of Alibaba, also participated in the fund-raising. Internet giant Tencent acquired 18.5 percent of Pinduoduo in the second year, and ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-31

Honor, Huawei's mid-range brand, steps up overseas push

...  Oppo and Vivo, Honor has managed to grow fast, and ranked fifth in the Chinese smartphone brands,” said Zhao. Speaking about Honor’s sales strategy, Zhao said: "We don’t set up physical stores; our p ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-30

內地手機出貨 華為續稱王

... 二和第三的OPPO及Vivo,其市佔率亦分別由去年同期的19%和14%,提升至今年次季的21%和20%。而剛在 ...全文


【異動板塊】手機股受壓 調研指次季手機出貨量跌

... 額。 至於OPPO及vivo市佔率亦分別提升,由去年同期的19%和14%,增加至21%及20%,小米則排第四, ...全文


大摩認衰轉唱好 丘鈦飆54%

... 屏下指紋識別訂單來自Vivo的Nex系列。該行對Adroid手機採用3D結構光功能並未過分樂觀,但認為OEM製 ...全文



... 初手機品牌OPPO和VIVO聯合美的和TCL等多間廠商成立IoT(物聯網)開放生態聯盟,共同制定規範標準,消費 ...全文


Samsung profit growth seen weaker in Q2 on flagging phone sales

... ei, Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi - held the top spots in China, while Apple was the only foreign firm in the top five. In India, Xiaomi displaced Samsung as market leader last year and continued to lead in t ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-04


內地知名智能手機品牌vivo推出的新款全面屏手機NEX,其「升降鏡」無心插柳成為鑑定流氓軟件的工具,近日有用戶 ...全文


世盃14家贊助商 中企佔4席

... 括萬達、海信、蒙牛、Vivo,因此在俄羅斯比賽場館只可以買到蒙牛的酸奶(乳酪)和雪糕;國際足聯(FIFA)全體 ...全文


俄國世盃開鑼 中資做大金主

... 乳業(02319)及Vivo則是今屆世界盃二級贊助商,餘下為麥當勞及百威;電動車公司雅迪(01585)、VR公 ...全文


Chinese brands sub for national soccer team in World Cup

... set maker Vivo and three Hong Kong-listed companies – milk producer Mengniu, white goods maker Hisense and e-bike manufacturer Yadea. These Chinese bigshots will be standing along with such global bra ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12


... 軍、王傳福、任正非及Vivo總裁沈偉等人見面,商討合作事宜。報道稱,三星於2016年買入約2%比亞迪的股權,過 ...全文


李在鎔會見王傳福雷軍等 或洽全面合作

... 小米創辦人雷軍,以及VIVO創辦人沈偉作商務洽談,集中討論成長型產業的合作方案。 上述4家企業均為三星電子配件 ...全文


Xiaomi to give money back to customers if profit rises above 5%

...  Oppo and Vivo since 2016. But the company managed to stage a recovery last year with its big push in India, where its market share has risen to 31 percent in the first quarter of this year, according ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-26

Is the iPhone past its glory days?

... units and Vivo with 17.34 million units. Huawei ranked fourth with 14.42 million units. If that is the case, iPhone shipments in China appeared on a growth track in China as it sold over 5 million un ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-25

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