
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 ...150

Google takes lead in driving traffic for news publishers

... ame after Apple announced that it would allow news publishers to use their paywalls inside Facebook’s iOS app, bypassing the company's App Store gateway. Apple and Facebook agree to give each user fiv ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-15


... book及蘋果公司(Apple)等開徵「數碼稅」(digital tax),每年將涉及約48億歐羅。 報道指, ...全文


Why Apple is acquiring a digital magazine platform

With iPhone sales growth slowing, Apple is seeking to bolster its content and services business to expand the revenue opportunities. In line with this strategy, the company unveiled a fresh initiative ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-14

HK man arrested after admitting killing girlfriend in Taiwan

... n police, Apple Daily reports. Police investigation revealed that the man, surnamed Chan, an associate degree student from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Poon went to Taiwan on Feb. 7 for a ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-14

Apple acquiring Texture, the ‘Netflix of magazines’

Apple is buying Texture, a digital magazine subscription service which gives readers access to magazines for a monthly subscription fee. Texture, dubbed as known as the "Netflix of magazine publishing ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-14


... 聲器與iPhone的Apple Pay Cash功能。 蘋果股價周二暫跌0.7%。 ...全文


整合Apple News 提供可靠新聞

... 立營運,未來將整合在Apple News平台上,透過提供高質原創內容,加強數碼媒體的影響力。 2010年創立的 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月14日


... 上市值最大嘅公司唔係Apple Inc,係China Inc,你要衡量中國嘅經濟實力,唔止係睇佢三萬億美元嘅外 ...全文


Police launch probe after colorful graffiti found on MTR train

Police have launched an investigation after a full-color graffiti was found on the exterior of an MTR East Rail train on Monday, Apple Daily reports. A spokesperson for the railway operator said one o ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-13

Can Samsung Galaxy S9 convince smartphone users to upgrade?

... us before Apple launches a new iPhone later this year. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-13


... 達到7100萬名,較Apple Music高出一倍。Spotify去年營業額增加至40.9億歐羅,但虧損擴大。 ...全文


IGG去年純利12億 增1.2倍 末息14仙

... 個國家和地區,以及在Apple的App Store於27個及50個國家和地區分別排名前5位和前10位。該遊戲註 ...全文


IGG全年多賺1.15倍 擬派第二次中期息14港仙

... 個國家和地區,以及在Apple的App Store於27個及50個國家和地區分別排名前5位和前10位。該遊戲的 ...全文



... ith Diced Apple燒葡國腸(68元)。 友好歡敍菜餚豐盛可口,雖無什麼名貴珍饈都是合口味的心頭好, ...全文


Spotify老闆 樂壇地獄天使

... 0萬,幾乎是主要對手Apple Music的兩倍。埃克去年更被美國權威音樂雜誌Billboard選為音樂行業中 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2018年03月10日


... ox的服務模式更偏向Apple或者Google等大型雲服務供應商,積極開發活躍用戶並收取月費。 另一萬眾矚目的 ...全文


Amazon in talks with banks to launch products for Millennials

... ebook and Apple also plan to venture into the electronic payment business. As early as 2005, retailing giant Wal-Mart applied with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for a charter to build an i ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-08


蘋果公司(Apple)據報計劃在明年推出的OLED版iPhone中,放棄採用現時iPhone X的「劉海」式屏 ...全文


Hiking couple may have mistaken leopard cat for tiger: police

... ording to Apple Daily, Hong Kong has only sighted a tiger twice in history, one in Sheung Shui in 1915 and the other in Stanley in 1942. Both tigers were shot to death by police and their bodies prese ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07

Premature baby girl dies at Tuen Mun home

A baby girl who was born prematurely last month died at a village house in Tuen Mun on Monday, leaving her parents inconsolable. According to Apple Daily, a Pakistani couple living in Nim Wan village ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-06

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