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電動車股落鑊 理想伺機買入

... ;理想汽車旗下「理想ONE」交付1.1萬輛,漲1.25倍;蔚來則交付9985輛汽車,增長37.6%。 根據中國 ...全文


審計讓步科企彈 調控鬆綁內房飆

... 月交付1.1萬輛理想ONE,按年增長1.25倍,股價飆超過一成,至113.1元;蔚來(09866)3月交付99 ...全文



... ing two stones with one bird──回應有關推行疫苗通行證的問題。 2022年3月9日 ...全文


【異動股】造車新勢力公布交付數據 理想曾飆9%

... 公布3月份旗下「理想ONE」交付量為1萬1034輛,按年增加1.25倍;首季交付量3萬1716輛,按年升1.5 ...全文


Cabin hospital proves the construction efficiency of MiC

... s MiC is done unit by unit, two walls exist between adjacent units, diminishing the saleable area. Despite 6% additional floor area being granted by the Government to MiC projects since 2019, it may n ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

Can the world afford Russia-style sanctions on China?

... pact than one might think, at least over the medium to long term. This is true for both the United States and China, which are large and relatively diversified economies. So, while an economic rupture ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

Use of technology in dementia care

... onds, someone in the world develops dementia . Therefore, it is expected to surge to 150 million people by 2050. According to the Hospital Authority in 2017, the prevalence rates of dementia in Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-04

開市焦點:中概利好 黑期升兩百點 A股休市北水續停

... 公布3月份旗下「理想ONE」交付量為1萬1034輛,按年增加1.25倍;首季交付量3萬1716輛,按年升1.5 ...全文



... 變成「單面性個體」(one-dimensional men)。 對此看法,筆者有數點回應。第一,我們大可接納項 ...全文


小鵬3月交付1.54萬輛電動車 飆2倍

... 交付了1.1萬輛理想ONE,按年升125%;蔚來(09866)月內的交付量則為9985輛,按年僅增37.6%。 ...全文


信置首季售88伙 成交額逾16億

... RSANDS 5伙,ONE SOHO 2伙,逸瓏灣 82伙及133 PORTOFINO 2伙,以及奧柏御峯 1 ...全文



理想汽車(02015)公布,3月交付1.1萬輛理想ONE,按年增長1.25倍。今年首季,累計交付3.17萬輛, ...全文


滙豐:開立新資金定存 共同建構綠色未來

... 底開始與環保慈善機構One Tree Planted合作推出植樹計劃,客戶經滙豐認購一個ESG投資產品,包括存 ...全文


Russia is finished as a major energy power

... s that no one can stand up to him because of the naked power that he can exert through energy markets. If the Europeans resist too much, he will cut off their gas. If the rest of the world cuts back o ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

New question surrounding cyber risk insurance: Insurable or not?

... n supply done for the cyber insurance market? Based on WTW Cyber portfolio in Asia, we have seen rate increases range from 50% to 200%. This will be after several rounds of lengthy negotiations, thoro ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

Is the new stagflation policy-proof?

... xcessive monetary and fiscal stimulus across advanced economies, especially the United States but also in other advanced economies. Putting aside the war’s profound long-term geopolitical ramification ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

頁數:1...127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 ...150

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