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收票突破2000張 超購9.6倍

... 購12倍;同系同區的PARK YOHO Venezia昨日亦發出銷售安排,加推4伙於周六發售。恒地(00012 ...全文


South Island Line and MTRC’s inconvenient truths

Hong Kong has welcomed its first new rail line in more than a decade – the long-awaited 7.4-kilometer South Island Line, linking Ocean Park, Wong Chuk Hang and Ap Lei Chau with Admiralty, which was in ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-10

Will Palace Museum become a popular Hong Kong protest site?

...  Victoria Park or on university campuses. In the same way, foreseeing all these embarrassing things happening, Beijing may just decide to scrap the entire project. The Leisure and Cultural Services De ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-10

創意之城 蒙特利爾

... 面的Olympic Park,這區聚集了不同運動項目的舊場館和選手村,其中舊柔道館轉型為集美洲各種花鳥蟲魚、珊 ...全文


去年申賣樓花1.92萬伙 14年高

... 地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO第二期最具規模,提供689伙,預計今年底落成,其餘樓盤包括億京旗下大埔白 ...全文


Pleasing the bosses, pleasing themselves … but what about us?

... e Science Park near Sha Tin which has succeeded in putting Hong Kong on the global technology map. However, the map in question is only to be found for local sale as the rest of the world seems blissf ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-06

Why Carrie Lam avoids public consultation

... ing Ocean Park the task of looking after the two giant pandas is one thing, whereas spending HK$3.5 billion to build an extravagant palace museum on a piece of public land covering an area of 10,000 s ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-06

Are we nearing the end of border controls with China?

... echnology Park. This could mean more mainlanders will be allowed to visit Hong Kong visa-free, or even allowed to live here permanently.  It's a step forward for Beijing to gradually remove border con ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-05

港大同學會小學 多元教學模式 走出課室學習

... 如英文科教授The Park,單元課就到柴灣公園,那個小時就在公園內學習。」黃校長認為,將學得的能力遷移到真實 ...全文


HK, Shenzhen to develop tech park in Lok Ma Chau

Hong Kong and Shenzhen will jointly develop an 87-hectare site in Lok Ma Chau into a technology park. The agreement comes after both sides settled a long-runing dispute over ownership of the land, the ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-04


... 下西半山Cluny Park昨日以1.026億元連車位售出7樓A室,實用面積2369方呎,呎價4.33萬元。 ...全文



... 的Highline Park),又可在升旗或其他慶典活動期間為嘉賓提供遮陽避雨之所。 個人以為即使高架單車徑最 ...全文


Edwardian-style Red House in Quarry Bay

...  50 Mount Parker Road, the house was built with red bricks and is the oldest of the five. Constructed in the mid 1920s, the house served as a residence for senior staff of the Taikoo Sugar Refinery. B ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-30


... 合Victoria Park大叔決定茶敍,必送來三五七十個邀請短訊,直至閣下俯首;顧念長者曾替小城繁榮立下汗馬 ...全文


South Island Line (East) opens with expanded Admiralty station

... via Ocean Park on the 7.4-kilometer line, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. A man who commutes to Wan Chai from South Horizons every day for work said he used to spend nearly half an hour on a b ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-29


鄧啟耀──Wipkinger Park 2014 水墨絹本、燈管、有聲單頻道錄像 200cm×93cm,4分 ...全文


A Christmas Carol

... m our Car Park spaces, I fear that the owners wouldn’t agree with anything we propose, indeed, we wouldn’t even be able to get our closet elves onto the IOC. So, I suspect that our closet elves don’t ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-28


... 地(00016)元朗PARK YOHO Venezia,昨天發售4伙全數獲承接。 市場消息稱,於四天長假期間, ...全文


Watch what you say to your kids

As the weather was pleasant, I took my toddler son out to a park recently so that we could both get some sunshine. I began enjoying myself as the playground was filled with the laughter and cheers of ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

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