在市場普遍認同上周筆者預示全球放水紓緩英國脫歐影響下,帶出包括本報少數建議為「七翻身」作投資部署的欄目,無疑近 ...全文
英國退盟衝擊退潮,環球股市回暖,倫敦股市大公司指數FTSE 100上周五收市已從退盟之後的最低點反彈了10%, ...全文
超人損失大?強國損失大? 英國退盟,英股和鎊滙都大跌,強國評論第一時間挖苦李超人,指他從大陸「撤資」大錯特錯, ...全文
引起軒然大波的英國脫歐事件,繼續令金融市場掀起連綿餘震。市場人士開始評估今次黑天鵝事件對不同資產價格的長遠影響 ...全文
Cloud computing is now seen essential for businesses to improve their cost-efficiency and scalability. But there is a debate going on as to which functions should be transitioned to the cloud, and wha ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-29
英國退歐,英鎊、歐羅滙率暴跌,英國和歐洲的債券遭受拋售狂潮,大量的資金湧向美元、日圓、黃金等避險。人們對危機事 ...全文
Hong Kong firms must do more to keep their employees engaged and motivated, an Asia-Pacific survey has suggested, pointing to low levels of work satisfaction in the city. According to market intellige ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-28
英國脫歐公投結果公布後,Polandball有一幅十分有趣的插圖,講述英國一方面說離開歐盟要獨立自主,另一方面 ...全文
一、 英國的公投在香港時間去周五中午有結果,全英四千六百五十多萬選民,百分之七十二投了票,大出意外的是, 其中 ...全文
歐洲局勢及人心去向永遠讓環球投資市場難以猜度,大家本以為英國原則上會留歐,結果上周英國公投給環球市場投下一枚核 ...全文
Häagen-Dazs, an American ice-cream brand, is spending a greater portion of its advertising budget in Hong Kong on online campaigns to attract younger customers. "We are now spending about 30 percent o ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-24