
共 2998 個結果
頁數:1...140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ...150

HKU medical professor found hanging in flat

Colleagues are grieving and looking for answers after the apparent suicide of a University of Hong Kong (HKU) pathology professor. They have set up a memorial for Chan Li-chong in the HKU pathology bu ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-12

Beyond tequilas and blueberries: Mexico pitches high-tech goods

Hong Kong and Chinese importers should explore Mexico's wide array of manufactured goods such as telecommunication and high-tech products, not just its traditional food and spirits exports, according ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10


以龍舌蘭酒和藍莓等產品馳名的墨西哥,除了以美國作為重要出口市場外,近年正計劃進軍中國,加強出口電訊和高科技產品 ...全文


HK risks losing middleman status if it stays out of TPP

During British rule, Hong Kong joined various global bodies such as the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, International Olympic Committee and ma ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-29

Leaked recording: Arthur Li speaks against Johannes Chan

As Dr. Edward Leong Che-hung approaches the end of his term as chairman of the governing council of the University of Hong Kong, Commercial Radio Hong Kong aired on Wednesday morning a recording of re ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-28

Why Hongkongers can’t live without air-conditioning

Summers in Hong Kong are long and scorching, but look out, you may get frostbite in the city. Any long-time resident can tell you the secrets to surviving the hot months: always get yourself a scarf o ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-24

Britain to China: We want more tourists, students and investors

Britain is increasing efforts to encourage Chinese trade and investment in the country while welcoming more mainland tourists and students, a senior official said. “In recent years, we have attracted ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-19


對於早前內地媒體批評長和系主席李嘉誠把資金撤出中國是「失道義」,有英國官員表示,港商到外地尋找商機並不代表要撤 ...全文


Royal emblem on postboxes must go, says postal service

Hongkong Post has spoken. The royal insignia on postboxes will be nowhere in sight in the near future. Hong Kong Post issued a statement Friday, which happens to be Love Post Day, ending speculation o ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-09

HKBN bundles Premier League package with LeTV for HK$272/month

HKBN Ltd. (01310.HK) has partnered with LeTV to offer some subscribers broadcasts of English Premier League soccer matches for an average HK$272 per month. The first 5,000 users of the Hong Kong broad ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-09

Why some university students are off to a US startup boot camp

Fifty-two Hong Kong students grouped into 18 teams will leave for the US on Friday to participate in a one-week boot camp that aims to enhance the youngsters' ability in problem solving, product desig ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-25

EJ Insight徵文賽接受投稿

「蘭桂坊之父」盛智文(Allan Zeman)居港40多年,不時接受傳媒訪問,而早年擔任海洋公園主席時更曾以水 ...全文


'Maker Culture': Why it's a key element for HK startup ecosystem

Turning ideas into physical prototypes or products is a challenge that many wannabe entrepreneurs face. Lack of facilities and absence of peer engagement has prevented many a youngster from chasing hi ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-16

Effective ways for SMEs to tap 3D printing

Imagine yourself walking into an optical shop to get an eye exam. After the checking is done and while you are selecting the frame for your new glasses, a 3D printer starts to work on your prescriptio ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-15

Hong Kong's summer of crazy catchphrases

We told you so: “Wait for Fat Suk (等埋發叔)” is the hottest, sizzlingest phrase ever to come out of Hong Kong in the summer just past, according to Yahoo Hong Kong's most popular word searches. It came f ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-15


近期人民幣貶值,雖然削弱了部分內地遊客出國旅行的意欲,但以大堡礁和黃金海岸作招徠的澳洲昆士蘭省政府對此並不憂心 ...全文


Queensland: Impact of RMB decline on tourism sector is temporary

The negative impact caused by the recent renminbi devaluation on the tourism sector of Queensland is expected to be temporary, according to the governor of the Australian northeastern state. "This eff ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-07

Why China hiring poses a challenge for some HK firms

China offers a big market and huge opportunities for Hong Kong firms, but it also presents a host of challenges for new entrants. Firstly, one has to contend with intense competition as there are many ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-01

Beijing liaison office buys US$70 million in HK properties

The Chinese government has spent at least US$70 million buying Hong Kong properties over the past 12 months, official records show. Three sources close to Chinese officials told Reuters the move refle ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-01

南早旗下雜誌48 HOURS停刊

再有印刷媒體收縮營運,南華早報集團(00583)旗下免費英文周刊48 HOURS將自本月20日起停止出版,消息 ...全文


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