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... 家」從來不是硬梆梆的physical locus,而是身份建構,我泛覽全書,或許叫做《自在即家》,彷彿更能得其 ...全文



... 該稱為「物理疏遠」(Physical distancing),因為我們希望避免人與人之間的物理距離過於接近。 ...全文


How geospatial information helps COVID-19 epidemic research

... bility of physical interaction. It was found that those listed as friends on Facebook had a greater chance of mutual infection, which helps epidemiologists predict the spread of infectious diseases.• ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-27

How Visa supports the local economy amid coronavirus downturn

...  every 10 physical transactions made through Visa in Hong Kong today are made using near-field-communication (NFC)," Ho said. In recent months, Visa has partnered with multiple Hong Kong fintech compa ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-24

The COVID-19 new normal: Education sector needs to be prepared

Since physical classes were suspended after the Lunar New Year holiday, the Secretary for Education have announced the latest arrangements for class commencement. All on-campus activities and face-to- ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14

Crazy ride, Jimmy Lai!

... uying the physical copies (which the paper was smart to add a print run of 550,000 copies on Tuesday instead of the usual 70,000) with some readers saying they are buying even if it is a blank paper. ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-12

The pivotal role of 5G in Hong Kong’s economic future

... gnificant physical distance. To sum up, a well-planned 5G solution would depend heavily on the cooperation of 5G MNOs, APP developers, and different industries. Yet 5G would also enable us to rebrand ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11

數據應用急增 Nvidia一家獨大

... (American Physical Society)院士,他現正服務於美國國家學院轄下的科學科技與法律委員會 ...全文



...  idea the physical toll, that three vasectomies have on ...全文


A Marshall Plan for planetary health

... ffic over physical exercise, and our houses increase the risk of disease transmission. We can, and must, do better, by launching a bold new investment program for planetary health. The near-universal ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-30


... rite UFED Physical Analyzer」破解其 iPhone XR取得手機密碼、當中的What ...全文


Mental health issue becomes alarming amid pandemic

... thinking, physical and mental health, the nightmare will soon be over. -- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-17

雲端診症 未來所趨?

... 需要以「身體檢查」(physical examination)或各項檢驗造影等來輔助。雲端診症其中一項短處,就 ...全文


紅唇烈燄 極待撫慰

... vances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors一書指出,唇膏最 ...全文


Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

... rain from physical meetings as much as possible. Replace your dinners and lunches with Zoom gatherings; swap out or cancel appointments that are non-essential. It may not be your life that is at stake ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-13

On three misconceptions about the LGBTQIA+ community

... to impose physical or severe psychological harms on others, without their consent. I do not possess the right to step into someone’s household, hold them at gunpoint, and force them to convert to bein ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-03

一周做足七日 最緊要生存到

... 佢哋大部分工作都係 Physical,冇辦法做到 #WFH,但會做足防疫措施。佢認為,生存對公司最重要,否則做 ...影片


政府排斥本地企業 香江如何再出發

... 洲,在香港有辦事處(physical office )和僱用最少兩名全職人員。 要向國際社會發放關於香港的正面 ...全文


【30天免費閱讀】期油負價格 未必釀金融危機

... 實物交割結算(No Physical Settlement & Delivery)。 2008年8月評 ...全文


Reimagining the office

...  to mimic physical serendipity and form weak ties online. But, for now, online platforms appear ill-equipped to do so. On the contrary, they often actively filter out unknown individuals or opposing i ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-16

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